Chapter 2

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Scott's pov
I was running through the things I had to do in my mind. We weren't going to fail this time. We were going to get him.

I had to get the emitters and revise the plan once more. The starting of the plan would mainly concern me and Theo. We were to go deep into the woods and make a path of emmiters  into the school. And then Liam and Malia would lure him to the boiler room and trap him in there. Similar to  what we did with Cora and Boyd. We would lock him in there until after the full moon and then try to talk sense to him and teach him control.

I and Theo were headed towards the  school to make sure the coast was clear and no one was in there for some late night study.

Meanwhile Stiles had gone home, promising he would be there in time though he wasn't really a key part of the plan, telling he had to help his dad with something. I highly doubted that. He would probably be trying to find more about percy jackson. I knew that he wasn't ready to let go of that. He seems really determined that something was up with that kid.

Even though I hadn't gotten a werewolf or any supernatural scent off him I had felt this strange power of off him. And all the times Stiles had felt something was wrong with someone, and I had pushed it away, he had been right and we had faced terrible consequences. I wasn't gonna let that happen this time.

It was around half past nine or so and everyone had arrived at the school. Liam and Malia had taken positions in front of the school. Stiles and Lydia were going to... well nothing much but they had come up with the plan. Theo and I had to go now. We were gonna place the emitters near places were Kyle's scent was the strongest. He seemed to have this natural born ability to mask scents that was why we had so much trouble catching him. But he hadn't mastered it yet so it wasn't impossible.

The moment Stiles had arrived he told me that he had something to tell me and he would tell it to me later. He probably might have found out something about percy jackson.

Theo and I had arrived at our spot.  We placed the first emitter and kept our eyes and ears open for any hint of an approaching werewolf and we eventually heard the sound of footfalls and branches snapping.

Theo and I ran from one position to the other, placing emitters, making sure Kyle was still behind us.

Eventually we reached the school and let malia and Liam take over. But before they could take charge we started hearing this noise of another sonic emitter toward the side of the school. It wasn't one we had put up. All the wolves and the coyote stop running. Even I feel this crazy feeling to follow this piercing sound. And then Kyle starts running towards emitter, his claws and fangs visible. The rest of us started running behind him and I also noticed Stiles and lydia following close behind.

Around the edge of the school we see  two boys. One with a sonic emitter, our sonic emitter, and the other seems to be trying to shut it down. Then they see us and look up, guess who had decided to mix up in this werewolf madness.

Percy Jackson and his young friend, whose named I had found out was Nico. They seem surprised by us, but not as surprised as you would be if a werewolf with fangs and claws came running at you.

Kyle roars and leaps towards Percy and I watch thinking he was done for and there was nothing we could do about it. I look forward expecting to see Kyle tearing percy apart.

Surprised, I see that, percy had sidestepped him and now he stood there holding a... something that looked like a bronze sword, which had apparently appeared out of nowhere. I along with the rest of my pack watch fascinated as Percy dodges and starts fighting Kyle with skill no teenager should have.

Percy slashes with his sword thingy at Kyle and a cut appears on his chest. Nico, like all of us, just stood there, dumbstruck, watching what was happening.

I watch as Kyle roars a roar so loud that it hurt my eardrums and leaps at Percy with his claws out and out of nowhere the girl with blonde hair, who was also Percy Jackson's friend and whose name was Annabeth, appears with a long sword in her hand and thrusts the sword into Kyle's chest. To my surprise he explodes  into dust and floats away.

"Thanks for the help Nico." Says Percy dusting off werewolf dust off of his jacket.

"I was surprised!" Nico complains.

"Whatever" Percy replies and I see Annabeth walking slowly towards us, with my mouth still open.

"Who-" she begins and stops herself and asks "What the hell are you guys?"


Teen Wolf X Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now