Meeting Jake

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Hellooo! this is the beginning of the story. hope you like it!

this story takes place after they meet Ava.

(Edit: I'm fixing small mistakes rn, might continue this :^7)


Noi sat on the couch, he was really bored. Ava went out and they all followed. They didn't bother hiding his horns so he had to stay. There is literally nothing to do! Noi got up and decided to go explore the building. Its not like there's anybody out in the hall now, right?

Noi walks into the hall and decides to go to the window first. Theres not much to do on this floor and the 'magic box' (the elevator) is too scary for him. But as he approaches the window the box opens. Noi immediately turns around and there stands a blond guy. Wait, isn't this the 'human lord'? Noi backs up a little. The human lord takes notice of him standing there. "Hey, haven't I seen you before?" he asks. Noi thinks about it for a little. He has but should he tell him? Well, there's no harm in doing so. "Yeah! You're the human lord right?" Noi asks happily. "Just call me Jake." He says while chuckling a bit. Noi nods.

Jakes eyes widen. "Wait, I know where I've seen you! You're that guy that was with Ava!" Jake says loudly. He looks mad. "You know Ava?" Noi asks excitedly. Another friend of hers? "Of course! You're not doing anything.. wrong with her, right?" He asks him. Noi looks surprised for a second. "Of course not! Why would we do anything like that?" he says. Noi looks really confused. Why would he think that?

"hmm.. okay" Jake says suspiciously. "Well I was just coming to check in on Ava." he says. "Oh, well she's not here." Noi says, smiling again. Jake looks down "Oh." Noi thinks for a second and then he starts getting excited. " Do you want to hang out? They wouldn't bring me along to the whatchamacallit and I'm really bored!" Noi says. Jake thinks for a second. Couldn't hurt right? "Sure. I guess that'd be cool." he says. Noi gasps loudly and then starts bouncing with excitement. "C'mon! let's go do something then!" Noi says, grabbing onto Jakes arm. "Lets go the.. the.. The park!" he says while going to the elevator.

"uh okay!" Jake says, confused with what's happening right now.


At the park

Noi runs into the grass excitedly, Jake following closely behind. Thats when Jake notices his horns. He gets confused, how did he not notice that? "Hey Noi?" He says. Noi had fallen into the grass. "Yeah?" he says, lifting his head. Theres dirt and grass bits all over his face. "Why do you have horns on?" he asks. "All daemos have them!" He says proudly. "Daemos..?" Jake says. What is that? he thinks. Noi's eyes widen. He laughs nervously. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that.." He says. "why?" Jake says. He's starting to get suspicious again.

"Eh heh.. well since you already know.." Noi then starts explaining what daemos are. He accidentally tells him about the magic predicament from his world in the process. By the end of it Jake is fully listening and has a look of confusion on his face. He's still processing it even after Noi is all done. "Just know you can't tell anyone this. Not even Ava. She doesn't know some of this stuff." Noi says, now serious. Jake has a look of understanding now. "Got it, but why'd you tell me?" He says.

"Ive been holding this stuff in, I started talking and couldn't stop I guess." Noi says, giggling to himself. "Can you tell me a secret of yours? just so we're even." Noi asks. Jake can't really think of any secrets. He could tell him about his crush on Ava but what if he spills? He doesn't think he'd do that, especially since he knows the daemos stuff. " I like Ava." He says, looking away. Noi gasps. "I think everyone does" he says. "Mines mostly admiration though. I only realized that recently." Noi looks around. "Im hungry." he says. Jake looks up, the sun is going down. How long have they been out here?

Jake gets up. "Well, we could  go get something to eat then head back." he says. "Okay!!" Noi replies. They pick up something and head back. When they get there they wait outside for a little. " Make sure to never tell anyone, okay?" Noi says " They'll probably kill me if the knew I told you." he signals up, towards the room. "I won't, just make sure you don't tell anyone mine either." Jake says. Noi smiles widely, " I won't!" After that they head upstairs.

When they get to the floor they can hear yelling coming from the room. They look at each other then Noi rushes to knock while Jake leaves. After he knocks you can hear distant cursing then a crash. Soon after, Ava comes and answers the door. "NOI WE'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!" She yells and pulls him inside. "FOUND HIM!!" she yells. He gets dragged into the living room, still holding the food. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Asch yells, obviously angry. Rhys and Leif enter the room after him. "I was with Jake.." he mumbles. You can see Rhys's eyes widen. "What did he tell you?" Rhys says. "not much" Noi says lowly. Rhys realizes they could use this. "Just keep talking to him okay. tell us what he tells you." Rhys says. "Got it!" Noi says enthusiastically. "now go wash off, you're covered in dirt and grass." "Oh right!" Noi giggles. He runs off to the 'spell room' after that.


hope you enjoyed! also, in this they already know how to take a bath/was taught earlier! Stay tuned for more!

p.s I just went back and looked for errors. also I guess I didn't say this but the inspiration for this was a Tumblr post:

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