Kicked out

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It's been a while, I went back and corrected some mistakes but not all cause I'm lazy lmao.

Noi was sat by the couch, not on it. The couch was occupied by Leif, Ava, Asch, and Pierce. They don't know where Rhys had gone off too. He looked around impatiently, glancing at the four on the couch every once in awhile.

All of a sudden the door slammed open and Rhys came running in. Ava screeched loudly and quickly jumped off the couch. "Rhys what the hell?!" She yelled. "Im sorry, lady Ava." Rhys bowed apologetically. "I ran into Lorelai at the 'convient store' and she told me to remind you about your 'movie night'." He tells her. Ava's eyes widen as she rushes to her room, mumbling a string of curses under her breath. Noi gets up and walks over to Rhys, "Whats a movie night?" He asks him.

"I have no idea."


Theres loud knocking at the door causing Ava to groan. She quickly gets up and runs to answer it. "Hey girl!" Lorelai says cheerily. "Hi Lorelai." Ava grumbles. She turns and walks back to her living room, with the other girl trailing behind her.

"Hey Ava, are those cute boys still here~" Lorelai asks. Ava sighs, "Sadly yes." She answers. "Then where are they?" Lorelai looks around, "Where exactly do they stay?" Ava sits on the couch, "They went out." She says, avoiding the second question. "Oh, well, we should have some fun then!" Lorelai smiles widely.


"I cant believe she kicked us out!" Leif groans, falling on his back. "She didn't kick us out, she only said that we need to find somewhere else to stay for the night." Rhys says, eating his ice cream. They were all sat in the park, thinking of what to do next.

"Im boorreedd-" Noi groans. "Well then go do something." Asch grumbles. "But I don't want to leave you guys." He mumbles. Pierce silently watches them whine.

"Hey Noi, why don't you ask Jake if we can stay with him for the night." Rhys asks. "I cant, he said he was going out of town for the weekend.." Noi lays on the ground.

They sit silently until suddenly Noi screeches and jumps up. "What the heck Noi!" Leif yells "S-Something touched me-" He whispers. Asch leans over the spot Noi was laying on before. "It was just this.. tiny creature, Dumbass" he says while picking up a Caterpillar. Noi looks nervously at it before sitting down again.

"Maybe we should start looking for somewhere to sleep." Pierce says. "Why don't we just sneak into Ava's house while shes sleeping!" Leif suggests. "I dont-" "That's a great idea!" Asch exclaims, interrupting Rhys. "We'll just wait here, and the when were sure she asleep, we just sneak back in!"

Leif smirks. "Guess we just have to wait it out then." He says.


Ava yawns, and pauses the movie they were watching. Lorelai rolls onto her back, "i'm hungry" she says. Ava gets up and stretches. "You want grilled cheese? Thats the only thing I know how to make." She asks, getting quieter at the end. "Sure!" Lorelai gets up. "I'll be right back." She says before running off to the bathroom.

Ava sighs and goes to her kitchen. 'I wonder what the guys are up to." She wonders. She prepares four grilled cheese sandwiches, which are slightly burnt. Lorelai comes out of the bathroom and sits at her counter. She yawns.

Ava silently hands her her plate. "Thank you." Lorelai grabs it and goes to the couch. They sit and eat for a little bit, making small talk. After they finish eating they decide to finish the movie then sleep.


The five Daemos decide that now is the best time to sneak back in. They all were heading back to the apartment. "Im just saying, we should get some pizza on the way back!" Noi says, waving his arms around. "Like I said, we don't have the time nor the money." Rhys tells him. "And were already almost at the apartments." He continues. "Aw man." Noi huffs.

They make their way up to the room and silently open the door. Sadly, Daemos can't ever be silent, and the door makes a loud creak. They try to be as quiet as possible when coming inside and slowly make their way to the portal to their 'room'.


Ava sits up when she hears her door open. She glances at Lorelai who is fast asleep. There is a creak and a small 'shh' coming from over there. She stands up and grabs the nearest item, which just happens to be a book, and throws it to the hallway.


They force Noi to go first. He sneaks to the end of the hallway. Right when he's about to turn and run to their 'room' something comes flying down the hallway. He screams and someone covers his mouth. Theres a faint "Noi?" From the living room area. Asch groans quietly and takes his hand from Nois mouth.

He slowly rounds the corner, "Hey Ava! What are you doing here?" He asks nervously. "I live here." She says. "Oh right, yeah, that was stupid. Heh-" He trails off, looking to the side. "I thought I told you to go stay somewhere else tonight." She says, crossing her arms.

"You didn't give us any money, where were we going to stay?" He asker her. Ava looks at him confused, "i did, I gave the money to Rhys." She says. Nois eyes widen and he glances behind him for a second. Theres a small "hey-". Ava sighs before getting up and going to the doorway. "Hey- Ava what are you doing?" Noi asks.

"I knew it." She says. "Hi Ava!" Leif says happily. Ava groans. "Look, we'll talk about this in the morning but I'm tired so just go to your room and i'll go back to sleep, alright?" She says. They nod and start heading towards their room. "Oh and Rhys, I know you used the money on ice cream." She grins. He looks to the side, "i'll pay you back." He says.

Noi trips suddenly, and he can hear small mumbling. He screams for the third time that day. "And Lorelai is here." Ava says, trying to suppress her laughter. Noi gets up and grumbles under his breath before heading inside the portal. "Later Ava!" Leif yells before heading into the portal too. The rest follow shortly after.

Ava goes back to where she was laying after picking up the book. She closes her laptop and goes back to sleep.


Hope you enjoy, this might be my last chapter idk. Sorry if theres mistakes its like 4 am

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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