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beep :^


Noi cries often.

It's a known fact in the group that he cries a lot. He can cry over the smallest things. it annoys the group so much. Noi actually knows it annoys them. But the thing is, when Noi cries while sad he doesn't do it loudly. He does it quietly. Back on Daemos, he had to be strong, be brave, he's a knight! Of course he doesn't actually cry loudly, if he did they would call him weak. More than they already do.

Right now Noi is hiding in the 'spell room'. He just can't stop thinking. His thoughts are passing by really fast and he can't focus on one thing. He has tears streaming down his cheeks and his hairs a mess from running his fingers through it. Sometimes Noi just has random moments where he feels like breaking down. Of course the other daemos don't know. And he really doesn't want them to find out. He just can't stop it.

He's been in here for a while now. Usually he doesn't cry this long. Noi really hates this, but the thoughts won't stop. He's sitting in the 'spell pool' right now. Noi is covering his mouth to stop from making any noise. Noi just feels so bad right now. He feels so weak right now, so small, so hated, so.. pathetic.

Listening just makes him cry more. Now you can hear him even if he's covering his mouth. He hates it so much. He hates it, he hates it, he hates it, he hates it, he hATES IT-

"Hello? Noi? What are you doing in there?" Noi freezes. Thats Rhys. He forces himself to stop making noise. Noi takes a few deep breaths and pulls his shaking hands from his face. "n-nothing. just l-looking at the s-s-spell pool." he replies, hating how much he stuttered and how weak his voice sounds. Everything about him is just so weak, huh? Thinking that makes him whimper.

There's silence from behind the door. Then footsteps, presumably walking away. Noi sighs. He decides that he should probably get out now. He ends up just sitting there, thinking about nothing. Its funny really, he either has so many thoughts or none. He looks blankly at the ceiling. Face blank. He just focuses on the ceiling. He didn't notice that he started falling asleep, or that tears started flowing out of his eyes again, or the door knob moving.

"Noi, you've been in here long enough-" Asch starts, until he sees him sleeping. "Noi." He says in a demanding voice. Asch starts walking towards him. Only when he gets closer does he see the tear tracks and notice his messed up hair and clothes. He really doesn't know what to say. He isn't good with emotions and he has never seen him like this.

Asch decides that maybe he should take him out of the 'spell pool' so he doesn't get uncomfortable, because believe it or not, he cares for his crew. He picks up Noi, who comes closer because he's warm and the bath is as cold. Asch walks out and immediately Rhys is there.

Rhys is the one who told Asch about Noi still being in there. So when he came out Rhys wanted to know why he was in there for so long, but as soon as he comes up and is about to talk Asch shushes him and nods towards Noi. Rhys immediately notices how disheveled Noi looks and decides not to question it right now. Asch puts Noi on the couch and notices how tired he himself is and sits at the other end. Rhys, who was slowly following them, smiles and also sits down and closes his eyes.

In the morning, when Noi wakes up he sees Rhys and Asch sleeping there. He smiles, he doesn't care right now that they know he was crying, he's just glad that they didn't freak out at him. Noi moves a bit so he's in-between Asch and Rhys and goes back to sleep.

Later, if anyone asks, Asch will deny it ever happened.


sorry this one is short, its very self indulgent and characters are ooc but whatever-

Hope you liked it and Happy Halloween!

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