Viscious Love

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"Hey, lovebirds! Get out here! We're heading to the studio! They want us there in twenty," Adrian's voice came from the other side of the door. With a frustrated sigh I accepted that nothing was happening right now.

Cleo and I stumbled through some awkward apologies before we turned away from each other. She grabbed her things and avoided my eyes. I think that stung the most. Did she regret kissing me back? Did I read the signals wrong?
When we finally stepped out of the room we were greeted by our bandmates directly on the other side. I swore. Of course. They all let out a collective cheer that made Cleo turn bright red. I couldn't help but chuckle. She looked absolutely adorable.

She glanced at me and I shrugged. The longer she stared the more nervous I got. I tugged at my hair and tried to play it off like I was cool as a cucumber. That what had just happened in that room hadn't affected me.

Despite her embarrassment she chose to sit next to me in the large cab. She was stiff though, so I thought I should try to break the tension a little.

"Have I told you how much more fun tattooed people are to see naked?" I whispered in her ear. She whipped her head around, her hair slapping me in the face.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act like you didn't take a peek when my towel fell off," I smirked and her face turned beet red. I knew it! She liked what she had seen. I leaned in closer, letting my lips graze her ear. "Your towel didn't cover nearly enough."

I saw her gulp and heard her breath quicken. She glared at me, but I couldn't stop smiling over her reaction to my words. It was odd talking like this with others so close by. It gave me some confidence.

"I can't wait until I can get a better count. I only got to four," I added a little louder. Heads turned to look at us. Mark must have heard us the clearest, because he whipped around the fastest and was starring daggers at a blushing Cleo.
She glared at me and punched my shoulder. I moved away as if it had really hurt.

"What was that for?" I said innocently.

"Cleo always was weird after sex," Adrian suddenly piped in. He didn't seem too interested though, his eyes were glued to his phone.

"I don't think they did it," Derek added.

"How can you tell?" Christian said.

Cleo was scowling. I was trying so hard not to laugh. Everyone's attention turned to Mark as he made a show of cleaning his glasses off and standing up to speak.

"Ethan just whispered to Cleo that he had only counted four tattoos of hers. That means most likely he saw her neck, her ribs, her wrist, and the one right here," he pointed to his chest. Cleo groaned loudly, absolutely mortified.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Derek laughed.

"Just wait until you get to number six," Mark wiggled his eyebrows at me and then winked at Cleo. She grimaced. Still reading his phone Adrian raised his fist in the air for me to fist bump.

"We got your back man," he said. Sitting back with Cleo again I pulled her closer to me and to my surprise she snuggled into my chest.

"So are you ready to record?" I asked after awhile.

"I suppose. Although, my partner could work on his pitch," she teased. I looked down at her in surprise.

"Oh really? Because last night I distinctly heard someone's voice crack at the end of the first chorus."
She sat up, removing my arms from hers.

"How dare you."

I threw up my hands.

"I'm just calling it as I hear it," I chuckled. She was not amused, but still returned to lay on me. I let my arm wrap around her again and I was pretty sure I heard her sigh with satisfaction.

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