1. Australia

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And as far as we go
And how little we know.

You know when you listen to a song so much, you start to get sick of it? No matter how beautiful the song, when you listen to it enough, it just starts to sound like radio static. That's how living in Seattle felt. And seeing it rain all the time just made the place feel gray and dull. Where I'm from is actually how I got my nickname, Rain. But now, Seattle is long gone, and I call Australia home. It was kinda fucked up, the reason I ended up living with Max in Australia. I had no where to go. As soon as I turned twenty my parents wanted me out of the house, whether I was out on the street or not. I couldn't pay for college, and I had no job. I'd recently gotten out of a relationship that was everything but stable and healthy. When Max tweeted that he needed an editor and a camera person, I reached out to him. I was a fan of his channel, maxmoefoe. I showed him some of the videos I had edited and out of some fucking miracle he let me have the job. He even paid for my flight to Australia. Max and I quickly became very close. The both of us were like brother and sister. We're best fucking friends. And me staying with him turned weeks to months, and months to a year. In the beginning of that year, I had obviously met George, Ian, and of course fat cunt, or as most people call him Chad. And early in that year of living with Max, I made a massive mistake. Something happened between me and George that neither of us like to talk about. Though a lot needed to be said. It's hard to talk about in detail, so I won't bother. Just know it made things between us... difficult. It's a shame really, him and I were close friends. But what happened between the two of us was, in his eyes, beyond fixable. Ever since what happened that night, he treats me like total shit when he travels to Australia to film with Max and Ian. George and I never told our friends what happed to the both of us about six or seven months ago, him and I just decided to not be friends with each other, and rather just to coexist in the same friend group.
And now I had to face what I had been dreading for the past few weeks. George and Ian were coming to Australia to film for a whole fucking month. Don't get me wrong I love Ian, but it wasn't him that I was dreading. It was George. I knew he would have something dumb to say about me, or just be flat out mean when he saw me. Either way being around him was a massive drag. And sharing the couch with him and Ian was also something is wasn't exactly looking forward to.
"Rain!" Max called my name from the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I shouted back.
"George and Ian want pizza so I'm ordering one. They'll be here in a few minutes. Is pizza cool with you or do you want something else?" He asked.
"Pizzas cool." I replied.
Max walked into the living area where I was sitting.
The place was always quite messy, but no one really cared. I was a bit bothered by it when I first moved in, but I soon learned that that was just how boys were. Though I still put in my best efforts to straighten up the place.
"Also, I need to tell you something else." Max continued.
"And what is that?" I asked, taking my eyes off off of my phone.
"When George gets here, you are going to be nice and not fight or get mad at each other, got it?" Max sat next to me on the sofa.
I rolled my eyes. It was never me that was rude or snappy with George, I tried to mend our friendship. He was the one that pushed me away.
"Don't tell me that, tell him." I folded my arms.
"I already spoke to him." Max laughed.
"And he said he'll try." Max elbowed me.
I sighed. I didn't buy that for a second.
"He's a fucking dick."
"I know he can be sometimes, but I don't want you two at each other's throats this whole month, okay?" He said.
I couldn't say no, Max is the only reason I'm not homeless. It's the least I could do.
"Fine, I'll try. But I still don't like him." I stated.
I've always had a soft spot for Max. He felt like a little brother, even though he was older than me. I can tell it bothers him when I treat him like he's made of glass, but I just feel like I need to take care of him. He truly felt like a sibling I never had.
"Why are you guys so pissed at each other anyway?" Max asked.
Like I said, none of our friends knew the real reason why George and I had issues with one another. And they weren't gonna find out anytime soon if I had anything to do with it.
"If I knew why George hated me so much, I'd tell you." I lied.
Though it was only a half lie. I really didn't know why George had such a massive issues with me. I mean sure, the event was pretty bad. But I didn't really remember much about it for various reasons, that's not important though. Every time I try to talk to George about it he shuts me out. I guess he was just upset that it effected our friendship and could potentially lead to our whole group falling apart. Perhaps he really does have a valid reason to hate me. Or maybe I'll never figure out why.
A knock at  the door made me jump
"Looks like the boys are here!" Max stood up excitedly and went over to toward the front door. I followed behind him. I don't know why but my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Maybe it was because I just hadn't seen the two of them for a while.
Max opened the door and Ian and George stumbled through it. They were both sporting book-bags perched on their backs and massive smiles, happy to see Max. We all said our hellos to each other. Max hugged Ian, and then George. Followed by me giving Ian a massive hug, after that I stepped in front of George. He looked tired, more than usual. I debated to myself for a few seconds of wether I should hug him, or just brush him off as usual.
Do it for Max.
Though reluctant, I threw my arms around George and gave him a tight hug. He smelled of cigarettes and cologne. I could tell without even looking at George that his eyes were wide with shock. I felt one of his arms wrap around me and pat my back, barley reciprocating the hug. Though even a small nice thing like that from George was rare, I'd sooner expect him to push me off of him than hug me back. But I guess his talk with Max made him act this way. That's one thing grumpy and I had in  common, we both loved Max like a brother. And we loved him a lot. Maybe that's another reason why George doesn't like me, he's afraid I might steal Max from him. A childish thing to think, yes, but that's George for you. A man-child. Describing George wasn't very hard. It was like he was constantly cloudy and gray, a thunderstorm that never got pretty. He was gloomy, dark, and most of all sad. He was in a constant state of melancholy and felt broken, that's how I saw him. George seemed so stuck in life and was trying to cover it up by having a good time. That's why he drank and smoked all the time, it's the only way he could have fun. I figured he was just taking out his sour feelings on me because he had no where else to put them. George was a person who had so much to say but no one to say it to. He figured no one wanted to listen. He had so much more to offer than shitty videos on the internet. George had a voice that he wanted people to hear, but no one wanted to listen, they just wanted a show. In some ways I related to the things he was feeling, but I still wondered why I was the one he took it out on. But even with all that I feel like I barley know him, he doesn't tell anyone anything. He needs to talk to somebody, but he felt had no one.
I released our short hug.
"Since when do you two hug?" Ian laughed.
I'm sure Ian meant nothing bad by saying that, but I knew the moment he made a comment like that, it would set George off.
"We don't." George muttered while taking off his backpack.
"Well you just did." Ian took off his backpack as well.
"Well then that's the last time." George sighed.
Yep, don't be fooled by that pat on the back, he's still an asshole.
"Wow George, I'm so glad you're happy to see me." I said sarcastically.
"Shut up before I punch you Rain." George crossly replied.
Max stood between George and I.
"Hey hey hey, none of that. You two are not starting this shit this time okay? George don't fucking hit her, and Rain put your fucking attitude away. The both of you are friends, and you're gonna act like it." Max ranted.
George rolled his eyes.
"We're not friends." He said under his breath.
"Well by the end of this month you are gonna be friends." Max insisted.
George laughed.
"Yeah right."
"I'm serious. You two are so fucking annoying around each other. So Ian and I are gonna make sure you fucking faggots get along." Max ranted.
"Yeah, you guys are pretty pissy around each other all the time. Videos we be a lot easier if the both of you stopped arguing." Ian chimed in.
"See? You guys are gonna be friends, mark my words." Max said.
George and I both looked at each other, annoyed at the other two. We sort of had a mutual agreement between the two of us that the both of us weren't ever, and are never going to be friends. But hell, I've gotta try for Max.
"I'll be nice, but only if George is nice." I crossed my arms.
"I am nice, you just piss me off." George flicked my arm sharply.
"Ouch!" I yelped and rubbed my arm.
I punched his shoulder in return.
"Ow!" George grabbed my wrist
"Oi! Stop that. You guys are like fucking children. Just try to get along, for once." Max huffed.
He let go of my wrist.
"Fine." George muttered.
George gave me an over exaggerated, tight side hug. He rested his head on top of mine and smiled widely, but falsely.
"Look we're so happy to be here together. Is this what you guys want?" George asked, still fake smiling.
"Yes." Ian and Max said at the same time, followed by their laughter.
He took his arm off me.
"You're all fucking gay." George laughed.

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