3. Foggy

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On evenings like this I wish I had no memory.

After that short hour was up, Ian, Max, George, and I all went on our way to go film. All our camera equipment and costumes were piled in the trunk, hopefully we didn't forget anything. It was a long drive, on a foggy morning. Ian drove, like always and Max got shotgun. I was sat in the back with George as we were the two shorter ones of the group. But we didn't bicker, shocking I know, we just sat there staring out the widow with headphones tucked in our ears. Max complained about the weather, and how shit it was for filming, but I found it lovely. Even if it wasn't good for the camera, I found the fog really pretty. It was even drizzling a little bit. Even if the day wasn't good for filming, at least it was a joy to look at. The place we were driving was the real joy though, it was in the middle of some kind of wooded area, with a road that, well- wasn't a road at all. It was more like a path. Ian parked the car on the side of the path.
"It'll be easy to film here cause there's a clearing over there." Ian mentioned.
"Right, let's get to filming then boys!" Max shouted excitedly, trying to get all of us to wake up a bit.

All of us got out of the car and gathered up the equipment. We were kind of troubled as it was almost full on raining now.
"Fuck, it's cold." Max mumbled as he was grabbing the camera out of the car.
Ian and George began putting on their costumes for the video. They were going to be filming the first part to some ridiculous thing called 'Super Trash Bros' or something like that. Needless to say, Ian dressed up like Luigi and George as Mario was fucking hilarious. I covered my mouth as I was trying to silence my laughter.
"Rain, stop laughing at us." Ian chuckled as he struggled to get his arm through the sleeve of the costume.
"Yeah I'd like to see you put this shit on and learn lines." George said sticking and massive fake mustache to his face making me laugh even more.
"Red really suits you." I said to George, trying to hold back my giggles.
"Very funny Rain." George said sarcastically.

Eventually we got around to finally filming the video. As Max would get certain shots he would pause and teach me how to work the camera. Regardless of any issues George and I had together, when we were filming we got along. Ian and George made up a bunch of lines with some orders from Max, resulting in some pretty hilarious fuck ups and bloopers that Max could use for his second channel. As we all began dying laughing from some stupid thing Ian said, I started to feel nostalgic. Thinking back to when times were easier. When our friend group was just a friend group and George and I weren't so upset. Seeing George laugh when it wasn't at my expense made me miss him, and how he used to be. I know what it sounds like, how could I possibly miss him when he was right in front of me, filming a stupid video? I miss him when he was himself, see when George is angry or quiet, it's not him. What was right in front of me, him smiling, not worrying about what happened or what was wrong, right now is him. Hanging out with Ian and Max was him. That's George, laughing and doing what he loves is who he is. Me and Max talk about it a lot, how George isn't himself around me anymore. Ian noticed too. We all miss it and I wish it could be like it was. George just won't fucking talk to me.
"Rain! Are you even listening?" Max asked.
My attention snapped back to the camera.
"Yeah sorry, I was spacing out." I tried to laugh it off.
Max looked at me like he knew what I had been thinking about but his eyes quickly snapped back to filming.
We were in that freezing cold forest until we got all the footage that we needed. A part of me didn't want to leave though, despite it being rainy and cold. I know the video we were filming was kind of a meme but the shots we got were almost beautiful because of the fog. And it wasn't just the beauty of the place that made me want to stay, it was the nostalgia. Simply the feeling of all of us getting along for the first time in weeks. When we were filming it was like George was in a whole new head space. He was even almost friendly toward me. I didn't want to go home, because home meant this would all go away, George would stop smiling and go back to being cold. I hated that. I miss when George could be happy around me without effort. When he would show me what he liked or have a decent conversation with me. I missed be able to make him laugh or even hug the guy without it being forced. It just sucks that all of that had to go away for a stupid reason. A stupid night. At least I have the car ride home to look forward to as George and I rarely fight in the car, we're always too caught up on our music.

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