Sia Tida Suka Kau!...Last Part

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So it was a start of something new not only between Alex and Althea but also between their family as well.

True to his word, Alex langsung tdk pernah paksa Althea dalam relationships durang. Alex tdk pernah ganggu study Thea. Malah dia lagi yg berabis bantu Thea supaya Thea senang masa sit exam nanti. Walau pun ada masa2 yg Alex terlalu sibuk sama kerja tp tdk pernah lg dia langsung tdk contact Althea, sometimes just to ask her how her day went, so sweet. As for Colby, thankfully dia tidak pernah langsung contact balik Althea. Colby and his never-ending ego, tapi bagus juga lah at least tiada yg mengganggu hubungan Althea dan Alex.

Hubungan antara tu dua family pun makin lama makin rapat. Popo Alex pun sekejap jak jatuh suka sama Althea. Happy betul Alex and his mom sbb dia punya Popo yg kira fussy pun boleh terima Althea. Paling happy Mommy c Thea lah. BFF betul dia sama "bakal Menantu" dia. Sama "bakal besan" dia jangan cakap lah 😂. Mcam2 sdh durang plan kalaulah jadi betul2 rancangan durang mau kasi satu tu dua urang 😂

Results exam Althea keluar, memang sangat bagus labah. Berkat kepandaian Althea, semua durang happy sama result dia.

Mommy Althea plan a simple evening gathering utk celebrate Althea punya good results. Family durang Althea, Alex and c Gretha pun ada.

Tu gathering kena buat di satu hotel. Satu section closed for their private event. Biarpun dua family saja tp semua orang happy.

Sedang semua orang makan dan becerita tiba2 bebunyi gelas kena ketuk, "Ting... Ting... Ting..."

"Ehem, excuse me, may I have your attention please" - Andre

Semua orang tingu Andre. Gretha yg duduk sebelah Andre senyum2 ni. Tenaik kening Althea, dia pun wondering what's her brother Andre is up to. Takkan dia mau propose sama c Gretha pula. By the way lepas habis exam, hubungan Gretha dan Andre makin rapat, Althea sure there is something going on between them tapi bila Althea tanya berabis Gretha deny ni 😏.

"Thank you for your attention guys. Actually bukan saya yg mau becakap tp my buddy here bro Alex, okay bro the floors all yours" - Andre

Makin pelik Althea. "Apa bah durang mau buat ni?" fikir Althea.

"Thanks bro Andre. Good evening to  Popo, Uncle Valen, Aunty Layla, Mom, Bro Andre, Gretha and of course my sweetheart Althea Sky.." - Alex sambil dia tingu Althea yg duduk di sebelah dia.

Mau panas pipi Althea ni. Dia tingu semua urang, senyum2 durang tingu Althea. Dia tingu Alex. Alex gives her his usual sweet smile yg bikin jantung Althea tambah dup dap dup dap...

"Althea Sky... The first time I saw you, I have this unexplained feelings, it wasn't that usual love at first sight feeling, it's more like a familiar-I've- known-you-my-whole-life kinda feeling. Your personality, your voice, your hair, your eyes, the way you looked away and smile, your sweet innocent silliness, gradually it all came clear to me you were exactly who's I'm looking for all along. My family adores you more than they adore me, since you came into my life, my family life's, automatic sia jadi second special sdh ni, right Popo? Kan mom?" semua urang ketawa dengar cakap Alex.

"But I do not mind that at all in fact that's what I want to tell you, I want you to be the most special person not only in my life but also in Popo's and my Dear Mom's life. We all love you Althea, but I love you to infinity and beyond" Ketawa lg durang semua. Althea biarpun mata dia berair2, muka dia jangan cakap lah merah dan panas tp dia senyum2 juga ni.

"Uncle Valen, Aunty Layla, I would like to ask for your permission and blessings, to make what Althea and I have, official. Sia mau minta kebenaran to make Althea mine" - Alex sambil dia tingu daddy sama mommy Althea.

Sia Tida Suka Kau! by GwenWhere stories live. Discover now