Sia Tida Suka Kau!...Part 8

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📲"Ya Aunty, she's with me.

Ya we'll see you there lah kan?

Don't worry Aunty. Just calling you so you and Uncle don't have to worry about Thea.

Ya sure. Okay, bye Aunty"

"Okay settle. Your parents tau you're with me, that's the most important thing 😊" - Alex

Althea tingu saja Alex. Dia tenung muka Alex. Kening dia bekerut2 sikit.

"Thea. Is there something wrong with my face? Why are you looking at me like that? 😅" - Alex

Tekejut Althea bila Alex cakap begitu sama dia.

"Eh.. Tidak lah.. Tiada apa2" - Althea. Pink terus pipi dia bila dia caught red handed by Alex 😆

"Hahah. Come on, you can tell me bah" - Alex

Masa ni Alex sama Althea dalam kereta di parking lot di Sutera Harbour. Gretha pula sdh jalan sbb mummy dia call dia mau bawa dia sama adik dia pg shopping mall mau cari barang adik dia, so dia kena drop saja oleh Alex di depan mall.

Alex tingu Althea. Dia tau Althea mesti masih rasa sedih lepas apa yg jadi tadi between her and Colby tadi. Sepanjang jalan pg mall, Gretha being her usual outspoken no bar holds punya type tidak berenti2 memaki c Colby. Althea pula diam saja. Sepatah pun dia tdk becakap. Tp Alex bulih nampak Althea berabis mau tahan dari menangis. Alex glad juga skrng dia bedua saja sama Althea di sana. He must clear the discomfort and awkwardness between them. Bukan juga Alex lupa apa yg Althea bgtau dia semalam pasal dia sama Colby tp dia tdk mau sentuh pasal tu. It's not his place to judge Althea.

"Thea... Do you have anything you want to share with me? Jangan diam saja begini. Sorry klu ko rasa sia barged in dalam hal ko and your boyfriend tadi tp I can't let him hurt you like that. Talk to me Althea.." - lembut ni Alex becakap sama Althea.

Althea tunduk saja dengar cakap Alex. Dia malu sebenarnya sbb Alex tau pasal dia dan Colby, dalam keadaan begitu. Lebih2 lagi bila dia ingat mcmana dia berabis defend Colby dia depan c Alex. If the earth tore apart at that moment and swallow her whole would be much better dia rasa. Tdk payah dia bedepan sama Alex.

"Althea Sky...."- once again, lembut suara Alex sebut nama Althea. Mcm Althea bulih rasa skin dia tingles ni dengar Alex panggil nama dia begitu.

"Mmm. Sorry ko terpaksa datang pg sana tadi. I wished Gretha would just leave you out of it."-Althea. Lain yg dia mau cakap dan buat, lain pula yg keluar dari mulut dia. The truth is, right now she wants to throw herself dalam pelukan Alex and cry her heart out.

"Nothing to be sorry about Thea. I wished I was a bit early so I can meet that ungrateful boy and give him what he really deserves right now." - Alex. Mata dia tajam. Jaw dia tense dan dia genggam penumbuk dia. Althea confused tingu reaksi Alex, "dia marah? Dia marah Colby? He cares about me that much?" - Althea becakap dalam hati.

"Alex. Can I ask you something?" - Althea. Tekejut sikit Alex dengar cakap Althea. "Bulih bah, go ahead Thea" - Alex

"Mmm. Sia mau tau, why is important for you to inform my mom where I am? Kenapa ko berusaha mau inform that to my mom, the other night pun gitu, kenapa ko sanggup bersusah payah gitu, sampai ko sanggup tunggu sia sampai di rumah sia for I don't know how many hours?" - Althea

Senyum Alex dengar soalan Althea. He didn't expect that at all. Dia ingat lain yg Althea mau tanya, anyway...

"Of course it's important for me to make sure your parents know what I'm doing with their daughter kan. If someday I become parents myself, I wouldn't want my precious daughter kena bawa sana sini without my permission or without me knowing. I need to know so I can have my peace of mind. Raising a child is not easy, especially if your child is a girl. I don't know, maybe I was raised like that, or the fact that when I myself become a parent sia mau sentiasa pastikan my child or children is always safe yg buat sia rasa penting utk sia inform your mom our whereabouts. I put myself in your mom's or dad's shoes and definitely itu lah yg durang mau, to make sure that you are safe"-Alex

Sia Tida Suka Kau! by GwenWhere stories live. Discover now