Chapter 3

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Shawn's POV:
Today is the morning of our last show on the Asian leg of the tour which means that as long as our flight isn't delayed I will have her back in my arms by tomorrow.  As soon as I woke up I checked my phone to see if Camila had called me or texted me while I was asleep.  There was nothing, but I did realize that I had woken up kind of late.  Before I jumped in the shower I got a text from Andrew telling me to hurry my ass up since we had to be at the venue in like an hour, and I still hadn't eaten breakfast.  I showered and got dressed in less than 20 minutes when I heard a knock on my hotel room door.  I went up and looked through the peephole and saw Brian with a tray of food.  I opened the door and he practically threw the food at me.  "Well gee thanks Brian you're so nice.  Thank you for basically throwing my food at me."  "Oh no problem buddy.  You should be happy because it was either me or Andrew comes banging on your door and tells you we need to leave and has you skip breakfast.  We can't have you missing breakfast you know.  It's the most important meal of the day.  Wouldn't want our little rockstar passing out on stage now would we?"  During the time it took him to give his speech I inhaled all my food and was ready to go.  "Okay you done because I finished this whole tray of food in record time, so I may or may not puke?"  "Oh yeah sorry, let's go."  As soon as we walked outside the hotel I was greeted by a line of fans waiting for pictures with me.  I looked over at Andrew and I could tell that he was a little hesitant because we were already running late, but he held up his hand, which meant five fans.  I took the pictures with 5 out of like 20 something fans that were waiting for me so patiently for god knows how long, but then I had to go.  I felt horrible leaving them without each of them getting a picture because I know how happy it makes them just to talk with me and take a picture for 30 seconds.  The drive from the hotel to the venue was short, and as soon as we arrived we quickly jumped into soundchecking.  Time went by really fast and before I knew it I was 10 minutes away from jumping on that stage and singing Lost in Japan.  Then we came to a point in the set when we did Why.  I usually get emotional when I sing this because it's about Camila, and when she goes to my shows I always look up to where she's sitting.  Tonight was different because by tomorrow I would be promising Camila that no matter what happens I would love her and be true to her forever.  We sang In My Blood  and I said my goodbyes to the crowd, "Good night Tokyo, thank you, I love you!"  We all ran off the stage where the team and I congratulated ourselves on another successful leg of tour.  We went back to the dressing rooms in the arena and drank a little champagne, but not too much because Mike and Brian found a club a few miles away to go celebrate.  By the time we got to the club it was almost midnight and it was packed.  Brian called ahead of time and got us a private room in the back so no one would like bug us.  After a few drinks, okay maybe like 3 or 4 glasses of champagne, half a dozen shots and like 5 beers I really had to pee.  I was barely able to make my way to the bathroom.  I was so hammered.  I just followed the bright lights that lit up the bathroom sign.  Once I rounded the corner I bumped into someone.  The stranger kind of like put their arms around me, so I thought he or she was just trying to help this drunk guy get to the bathroom without eating shit.  However, that's not how it went at all.  All of a sudden I was being dragged and being put up against the bathroom hallway wall and that's when I was finally able to clear up my blurry vision.  It was too late though she was all over me by the time I came to my senses, and her lips were all over my neck kissing me.  I pushed her off of me as fast as I could and she tried getting back on me, but I walked as fast as I could to the men's bathroom.  I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like total shit, my eyes were bloodshot, my hair was all over the place and I had red lipstick on part of my face and neck.  I quickly cleaned it off, and before walking back out I thought to myself that I hoped no one took pictures or videos of it because if that got out I would have some serious explaining to do with my girlfriend.  I peeked out the door to make sure she was gone and there wasn't going to be someone else there waiting for me.  I walked back into the private room like nothing ever happened, but it must've been pretty obvious that I looked uncomfortable because they all stared at me.  A few minutes after I walked into the room Andrew walked in with another tray of shot glasses, 10 to be exact.  In a span of less than a minute I downed practically half the tray until Cez patted me on the back and told me I'd had enough that I was already wasted.  That's when Brian made his stupid remark, "Yo Shawn did you like sneak Cami in your suitcase and just came back from having hot bathroom sex because you have a massive hickey on your neck?"  I looked at all their faces in horror.  "Wait what are you talking about a hickey?"  I knew exactly what happened, but I didn't want to believe that there was evidence on me of what happened.  I quickly told Brian to turn on the flashlight on his phone, and then I opened the camera on my phone and put it on the front facing camera.  Then I saw it, the big purple-ish red hickey on my neck.  I was going to have to explain myself because I could tell they suspected something wasn't right.  "Okay so as you pointed out Cez I am wasted.  About 30 minutes ago I got up to go to the bathroom, and I'm not going to lie I was completely out of it.  I could barely walk and my vision was blurry.  I used the light from the bathroom signs to guide me through the dark, and that's when I bumped into her.  I bumped into her and then she put her arms around me, so I thought that she was just trying to help the drunk guy out until she pushed me up against the wall and kissed me and clearly she kissed my neck.  It probably didn't last longer than 10 seconds, and I pushed her, but she did try to come back onto me.  That's when I was able to run into the bathroom."  Once I was done telling the story I looked around the room and was greeted by their shocked faces and that's when Andrew spoke up.  "Shawn I don't want you to freak out, but Camila was here tonight."  I quickly interrupted him because I was so confused.  "Wow, wow wait did I just hear you correctly?  Did you just say Camila was here tonight as in here in Tokyo in this club?"  "Yes Shawn.  She called me after her SNL show and asked me to help her surprise you.  Of course I agreed, and I told her exactly where we would be tonight.  I met her in the back lot and snuck her in.  She has been in Tokyo for a few days already."  "Wait Andrew so you're telling me that Camila could easily have seen what happened with that girl?  Wait where is she?"  I got up from where I was sitting and Zubin pushed me back onto my seat.  "Shawn as soon as she got here she went to the bathroom to freshen up.  Remember when I said I was going to get drinks well I really went to sneak her in.  You said before I stepped out of the room that you needed to pee, so I wouldn't doubt that she walked in on it all happening because I haven't seen her since then.  I have been texting and calling her with no response."  I may have been really drunk, but somehow this sobered me up real quick.  I told them that I wanted to leave back to the hotel, so I could facetime her and see if she actually saw anything.  "Alright guys I want to head back to the hotel because I need to talk with her.  Andrew do you remember what car she came in so we can see if it is still here or not?"  "Uh yeah a blacked out Escalade."  We walked to the back lot where Andrew said she had parked and there was no black Escalade.  That's when my anxiety started to set in because this meant that Camila must've walked in on it all, and slipped away without me noticing her.  As soon as we got into our respective cars I started facetiming her over and over again, and the whole car ride back to the hotel it just rang and rang.  A bunch of things started rolling through my head like was there a possibility that maybe Camila didn't see anything, but then again why would she just get up and leave if like Andrew said she was here to surprise me.  Then I started blaming myself that instead of some day proposing marriage to her that this would be the end of our relationship because her heart is probably broken.  This is understandable because I would be too from what the scene probably looked like.  I can just imagine what she felt when she saw it.  As soon as we got to the hotel it was a little past like 3 am Tokyo time.  I got to my hotel room and jumped in the shower to get the filth and disgust of what happened off of me.  I may have sobered up a bit, but I was nowhere near myself especially after learning that Camila may have seen it all, so I kind of slipped in the shower and ended up on the shower floor.  I started having an anxiety attack which is something that hasn't happened in years.  I sat there for what felt like hours sobbing, and then I picked myself back up because I was finally able to tell myself that no matter whether she saw it or not I did nothing wrong and whatever happened meant nothing to me.  I went to bed and woke up like three hours later to head to the airport.  We were supposed to head back to LA before this all happened, and even though we don't know if Camila is still in Tokyo or not I was still going to meet her at her place in LA.  I managed to fall asleep for most of the ride on the private jet, but I woke up about three hours before landing and tried facetiming her again because the plane had wifi, but she still kept dodging my calls.  I got to her place in LA a few hours later and she was nowhere to be seen.  There was not a single clue as to where she is.  Maybe she hasn't left Tokyo.  Either way how am I supposed to know where she is if everytime I try to contact her it's like she pretends I don't exist. 

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