Kaname x Chubby young reader

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You are best friends with the two portal guards zero and yuko, along with the most popular boy on campus Kaname the head of night class. You are the youngest student that the school and many people loved to tease you about your age and body shape. Thanks to your friends everyone left you alone, in fear of what will happen, Even the night class students showed you some respect which was weird to you, because they never even spoke to any students outside of night class. 

y/n" Kaname " you had left you single dorm room to go find Kaname because you had no one else, to speak to during the night. You had seen Kaname walking with some night class students, you went to go say hi to them when saw them holding up some random drunk guy. 

y/n" what are....." you just then saw Kaname bite into the poor guy's neck and once he, was done the other students with him soon did the same. the shock had overcome you making you take a step back, you soon ran into the wall. before anyone could see know you were there, you had made a run for it all the away back to your dorm. 

you had not been paying attention when you ran straight into something almost knocking you, to the ground. 

???? " hey there y/n where are you running to" you soon saw zero and yuko you really wanted to tell them, what you had seen but you knew none of them will believe you. 

yuko" are you okay y/n you look really pale and scared" 

y/n" umm no I'm okay I heard something that scared me" 

zero" wait did you go near the night class area of the school" 

y/n" no" 

yuko " oh okay" 

????? " hey y/n lovely" you turned around to see Kaname standing there with some of the students, from night class you had just seen earlier. 

y/n"......" you are standing right next to yuko holding his arm tightly because right now, you fear one of your friends. 

kaname" y/n is everything okay you look...." 

zero" she okay Kaname we are taking her back to her dorm right now" 

Kaname" I was speaking to her no you zero" 

yuko" she was scared by some Kaname we are going to make sure she gets back, to her dorm safe the same should go for you all as well" 

Kaname " okay I will stop by to check on you later y/n" 

y/n" ..... o.... okay" 

zero " now let's go" you soon walked back to your dorm with yuko and zero they dropped you off and stayed for a while but soon left. You had gone to bed straight after hoping that will help you forget what had happened earlier today. 

Two weeks later 

you had been avoiding Kaname for the last two weeks, coming up with some random excuses for why you haven't spoken to him in a while. 

Kaname " hey y/n" 

y/n " umm hey Kaname" 

Kaname " where have you been lovely I haven't, seen you in for so long" 

y/n " oh I have been busy these past days" 

Kaname " Oh I heard from zero and yuko you had been studying more then ever, and staying in your dorm a-lot" 

y/n" umm yeah" 

Kaname " is everything okay y/n if someone is messing with you I...." Kaname was about to place his hand on your right cheek when you take a step back. 

y/n " hey I have to get going I have something to do right now" 

Kaname " sure hey why...." before Kaname could say anything else you had made a run for it fast, and soon disappeared out of his sight, leaving a very hurt Kaname back there wanting to know what was happening. 

yuko " Kaname what are you doing out here during, the daytime" 

Kaname " I came to see y/n but once again she is busy" 

zero " maybe she found something else to do, that has nothing to do with you Kaname" 

yuko" will you both stop it" 

zero and Kaname " ......" 

yuko " Kaname I think y/n might be afraid of you" 

Kaname" dose she knows" 

zero " she must know or she will not be avoiding you like this will she" 

Kaname leans on the brick wall trying to understand how he is going to win you back without scaring you away for good. the guys could see that Kaname has deeper feels towards you, that is more than friendship and now he might lose you because of the secret they all have been hiding. 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now