The Dragon [and/ or dragon riders] or mermaid

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"Hurry Up Mikasa!" Levi yelled to Mikasa who was looking at a old Dragon's nest "Go on without me! I'm old enough to be left alone!" Mikasa yelled back to which Levi did leave her.

Mikasa kept looking around until she saw something shiny "Wha?" Mikasa then stopped when she saw a medium sized Dragon. It looked like it was made out of Ice Crystals.

She slowly walked closer to the Mythical Creature then she stepped on a branch the Dragon's head quickly shot up and looked at her.

"Uh oh" was all Mikasa could say as the beast walked towards her "hehe hey there buddy" she said nervously she accidently dropped her knife a while ago.

The dragon looked at her and sat down "huh?" Mikasa said now hesitantly walking towards it. When the Dragon looked up Mikasa backed away to which the Dragon whimpered and put its head down again.

Mikasa then walked towards it again and petted it to which it purred...? "Hehe" Mikasa nervously chuckled. The dragon then licked her hand to which Mikasa smiled then the dragon frowned.

"What's wrong?" Mikasa asked now the dragon on her lap. The dragon then started to growl and squeak like it was trying to talk to her.

"What do you need?" The dragon the made a cutting motion to Mikasa skin "You want my blood?" Mikasa asked to which the Dragon nodded. "Alright" the dragon smiled and licked her cheek it then it cut her.

The Dragon licked her blood and ran back to the deep ends of the forest "Hey Wait Up!" Mikasa yelled running after her.

Mikasa then stopped as she saw a naked, Younge, blonde woman "U-Uh Hi?" Mikasa said. The woman then turned her head around Mikasa blushed as she saw her um bits.

"O-Oh uh Hi.... Thank you for helping me" The woman said smiling "For helping... you?" Mikasa asked she never seen this woman before.

"Yes I was the Dragon can't you tell?" She asked pointing at her hoens then at her tail. "Oh uh sorry-" Mikasa was then cut off as the woman stood up and turned towards her.

"Its Alright" the woman said as she walked towards her to which Mikasa blushed and just tried to maintain eye contact.

"That was the first time anyone was nice to me so thank you" the woman the kissed Mikasa in the cheek. "Your Welcome um" Mikasa said while blushing she didnt even know the woman's name.

"It Annie and yours?" She asked smirking at Mikasa. "I-Im Mikasa"

"That's a Nice Name Mikasa.... Mikasa" Annie repeated. "Anyways I think I should go I bet you have to go to your boyfriend or girlfriend's house" the Annie said.

Without thinking Mikasa got her wrist then said "No please dont go. I'm single which means I can talk all day" Mikasa then blushed at what she said. Annie raised a eyebrow and nodded "Is that so? It must get pretty lonely then" Mikasa nodded.

Annie then kissed her on the lips "So lets talk..."

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