Chapter 13 - Alone Against the World

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Inside the throne room, the king studies the four hooligans standing before him: A traitor, some homeless lady (possibly a witch), a shabby-looking dragon, and another dragon who's splattered with blood. Guards line the back wall in case they try anything, and the prince stands at the king's right-hand side. The rain can be heard outside, gently tapping against the stone walls.

After a long contemplation, King Morgan sighs, then finally says, "Jack. I'm just going to let you try to explain. Because honestly, I don't even know where to begin. I'm about ready to just throw the four of you in the dungeon and be done with it."

"Four?" Alissa gasps.

"Four," the king confirms, "You were all with him when he was arrested so as far as I'm concerned, you're all accomplices to his treachery. As for this 'monster' the villagers are screeching about, I honestly couldn't care less about their peasanted delusions."

"Ok so first off," Jack explains, "I didn't kidnap Norman. He ran away and I went looking for him." Norman affirms this by pointing at Jack and nodding along.

Halford steps forward and grills him, "Where did you find him?"

"In the libosimens' dungeon," Jack calmly answers, "I rescued him from being butchered by those monsters."

King Morgan's eyes widen. "You went to that horrid place and saved him?"

"What took you so long getting back here?" Halford interjects. "It's been two days since you both disappeared."

Jack glances back at Norman and they exchange nervous expressions.

"My king," one of the guards speak up, "Apologies for the interruption, but this dragon here is shaking. I think something is seriously wrong with it."

Everyone in the room shifts their attention to Selvira, who is trembling with fear and clutching her tail tightly with her eyes darting around the room.

"Uh," Jack attempts to explain, but no words come out.

"She just has to use the bathroom," Alissa spits out.

King Morgan frowns. "She may urinate after we're finished here. Who even are you, anyway?"

"My name is Alissa Thorne. I am the last survivor of Kalicruss, which was destroyed by the Dissenters Legion. I was the one who rode the chariot to your doors which carried Pingus and the body of Monty Dickinson after I aided them in their quest to infiltrate the Axe-Knights' kingdom and end the war. And I am going to do everything in my power to enact vengeance on the ones who murdered my friends and family."

Prince Halford looks back at his father and shrugs, but King Morgan still seems unsure. Then he says, "Alright. That's reasonable." He turns his focus back to Selvira. "And this one?"

Jack explains, "Norman met her on the chopping block in the libosimen dungeon and now they can't leave each other alone."

Halford switches the subject, "Do you have any clues as to the whereabouts of The Dissenters Legion?"

"Nope," he answers, "But if we did, we could handle them ourselves. No need for you all to get involved or anything."

King Morgan raises an eyebrow.

"We already have scouts out looking for the cult," says Halford, "We also understand that Fenter has spies within these very halls. But we're getting that sorted out." He says this with a smirk.

"Well that's good," Jack remarks. "So, are we done here?"

"Not quite," King Morgan says before turning to his son. "Hal, go ahead and bring out the prisoner."

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