Two Dangerous Bunnies

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"Good night Kacchan"

A small boy kissed his large boyfriend goodnight as they cuddled up in bed together. Being the little spoon, a small man named Izuku pressed his head against a broad chest and stroked the hands that were wrapped around his waist

A taller man hummed in response and kissed the top of his boyfriend's beautiful head of hair. Inhaling the cinnamon scented shampoo the greenette used earlier

They slowly drifted into a deep sleep, feeling each other's chest heave up and down from their inhalation and exhalation. It was quite calming to say the least

Later as the night continued the blonde began to feel uneasy, he felt hot all over and he didn't know why. He could've swore he turned on the air conditioner before going to bed

The heat around his body continued so he reluctantly got up and noticed it was off, who in their right mind would turn off cool air in the middle of summer???

Turning it on and turning around he also noticed a certain greenette missing, he wasn't to worried, he knew he was in the house somewhere. But it still concerned him greatly

He sat on his side of the bed and called to his boyfriend, he just wanted a reply, like a "yes" or "what is it?"

But the door to their bedroom creaked open, no one was coming inside just yet but you could hear his small giggles from the opposite side

Light from the hallway burned Bakugou's eyes making him squint as his eyes adjusted to the bright light. Getting used to light now, he turned on the bedside lamp that illuminated the entire room

The hallway turned off and a small calf poked out from the door, a fishnet print covered the pale skin

"You can go back to what you were doing, I wanted to know if you were okay"

More giggles were heard, even though it was light and innocent it still creeped Bakugou out. But just a little

"Are you gonna come in??"

The door was fully pushed open and there spawned - not one but two - adorable Izuku's in a tight playboy bunny outfit

The small sweetheart neckline flattered his small chest, how the material hugged his slender waist and poked out reaching his hips. The fishnet thigh highs cradled the fat around his thighs tightly

The Izuku's indeed looked hot and Bakugou was definitely not going to deny that. His eyes were glued on their bodies, he wanted to devour them right then and there

They continued to giggle as they flaunted their curvy body to the blonde, their bright green eyes held so much innocence, opposed to how they were dressed

One of the Izuku's pointed to Bakugou's boner and started laughing, the other soon followed but motioned for them to sit in front him

On their knees they pulled down Bakugou's pants and underwear revealing a massive boner that had precum seeping out the tip

Giggling once more, one Deku took the tip into his mouth as the other one licked and sucked on the shaft. The blonde's breath hitched from the warm sensation that engulfed his tip

Two Dangerous Bunnies {Bakudeku/Katsudeku Smutshot}Where stories live. Discover now