Untitled Part 1

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In this story you are the same age as Peter.


Everything started out as a normal day. Driving over to Peters to pick him up for school, having all the same classes together (courtesy of my dad), going to the tower after school doing homework and going on patrol as Spider Man and Shadow. But, that's not how today turned out. Let me start from the beginning.

I woke up to a constant ringing beside my bed. I looked over to see Peter callin me. "Hello?" I asked my voice sounding rough from the sleep. "Where are you school starts in 20!" Peter exclaimed. I rolled over looking at my alarm clock, realizing it was already 8:00. I hung up on Peter and grabbed everything and ran out the door. Luckily I slept in my cheer uniform, so all I had to do was hop in the car.

I was driving down the interstate and I put the roof down and blasted some music. I put on my special glasses and Kara came online. "Good Morning Miss, Y/n. I am calculating the fastest route." "Ah good morning Kara. Did your system software update ok?" I asked weaving in and out of traffic. "Yes, it updated last night at 3:38 am, I haven't found any bugs so far." She stated. I laughed, "that's because my dad designed it Kara." "Turn left" I quickly cranked the wheel drifting around the corner and into the parking spot next to Aunt May's car. Peter came running out of the door and jumped into the car. I quickly backed out and sped towards the school. "You need to stop being so late Morgs" He said laughing a little. I rolled my eyes and smiled, keeping my eyes on the road.

Peters POV

I watched as she rolled her eyes and smiled. She has the cutest smile ever. What? I can't say that about my best friend. Mr.Stark would have my head. As soon as she parked the car I grabbed her hand and we ran to the front of the school. Luckily classes don't start till 8:25, the building only locks at 8:20. We got in and too our lockers as I heard the door lock. We then sprinted down the hall towards our first class, AP BioChemistry. We were working with chemicals when I spilled a mixture onto my arm. It started to burn and I stood up quickly, the stool falling back and colliding with the ground.

Y/n grabbed my arm and put it under the faucet. I groaned and laid my head on her shoulder as she cleaned my arm. "You need to be more careful Peter, I don't want you to get hurt." She said as she was wrapping my arm. I felt anger build up in my chest and then it calmed when she continued. What is happening?! I never get mad at her!

After class we walked back to our lockers talking about the upcoming project when Flash came by and slapped her butt. I heard Y/n gasp and turn around. "Flash!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me shocked. I never yelled at anyone. "Apologize to her now" I said taking a few steps forward. "What are you going to do about it pipsqueak" He said laughing. I felt the anger building up in my chest again and everything went into a haze.


Peter started to breath heavily while slowly stalking towards Flash. "Peter!" I yelled over the crowd. He slowly tilted his head back to me and I could tell his eyes were red, even the pupil. My eyes widened in shock. He grabbed Flash by the shirt and pinned him against the wall. "You better apologize to her right now or I will tear you limb from limb." Peter yelled growling at him. I ran over to them and grabbed his other hand. He flinched at first and slowly turned his head towards me. I put my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it. He looked at my in the eyes and I could tell they were a little less red. "Peter I'm ok, can we please go home?" I asked keeping my hand on his cheek. He dropped Flash and his eyes started to flicker before they go back to his beautifully brown eyes. He slowly dropped to the ground holding his head, shaking.

"Peter what's wrong?!" I said dropping to the floor putting my hand on his shoulder. "Everything hurts" he said groaning. I put his arm around my shoulder and got him up and she slowly made our way to my car. I got him into the passenger seat and buckled him up. I slowly leaned in and kissed his temple. I stayed there for a second before pulling away and looking at him. "Everything will be ok, I promise. We are going to get my dad to help." I said shutting the door and getting in on the other side. I quickly backed out and was speeding towards the tower. I threw my glasses on and Kara came on. "Kara!" I semi yelled. "Yes Miss-" "No time for formalites. Peter is in a lot of pain and I can't tell what is wrong with him. Call dad and scan Peter on a molecular level!" I shouted as I saw Peter slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Pumpkin whats wrong?" I heard my dad's voice come through the car. "Somethings wrong with Peter!" I exclaimed, choking on my words as tears started to flow from my eyes. "How far are you from the tower?" "10 mins dad, I'm freaking out!" I yelled, sobbing now. "I'll make it two." Dad said and then hung up. The car flew up into the sky and I looked down to see one of his suits underneath the car. I quickly turned back to Peter who was as white as a ghost. "Peter? Peter can you hear me?" I asked grabbing his head and turning it towards me. He groaned and slowly cracked his eyes open. "I'm ok y/n" he mumbled, groaning. "Please keep your eyes open, I can't lose you." I said sobbing. I kissed his forehead and the car soon landed on the landing pad. The door was ripped open and dad grabbed Peter and placed him on a gurney and Bruce raced him to the room. Dad came to my side and helped me out and I clung onto him sobbing. I didn't want to lose him. Dad picked me up and walked me to my room. On the way I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was in bed and it was 10pm.

I ran down to the lab to see Peter laying in the hospital bed talking to Bruce and Dad. "Peter!" I said running towards him. I jumped onto the bed and clung onto him. "I'm ok love" he said smiling at me. "That's funny Peter, you are not ok and also, don't ever call my daughter love again ok?" My dad said walking closer to us. I rolled my eyes at my dad as he continued to talk. "When Peter spilt the chemicals on himself caused an emotional reaction in his brain and since you touched him before all the chemicals were gone, he is now your personal bodyguard." Dad said typing on his Ipad. "My what?" I asked standing up. "Basically he has an emotional connection. He feels whatever emotion you feel just a hundred times more powerful. That is why when Flash smacked you he turned into an angry hulk because you were angry."

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