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*next day* I was woke up by my annoying alarm as I was trying to hit but it was to far o I just end waking up as I was in the bathroom I got a text from seonghwa telling me to get ready because he on his way to pick me up I didn't care much since I didn't feel like walk to school about 20 min later there was a knock I quickly grab my bag and went to door and seonghwa was there "ready to go" I nod we both then made are way to the car the car ride was pretty quiet which I like since I didn't feel like talking in the morning 15 min later we arrive at school as we were getting out the car there was scream coming from who was calling for seonghwa name which I just rolled my eye and left leaving seonghwa behind as I arrive to my group of friends Hannah came ask me if I have "fun" last night I just send her a death glare "okay chill gurl I was just playing around" Hannah said the guys then came over hongjoong then put his arm around somi (their dating btw) "what going on here girls" hongjoong ask "nothing" I said just then the bell ring we all made are way to class. Fast forward and it was finally lunch time as the girls and I made are way to the lunch room dae-hu and her little minion cane to us "y/n i know your friend with seonghwa but you better keep away from my seonghwa" dae-hu said giving me a death glare "since when was seonghwa yours" Hannah said back she must have been embarrassed by what Hannah had said cause after that she just left without saying anything "if she know she gonna lose then might as well don't say anything"Hannah said as we arrive at the table Hannah yelled at seonghwa "yah seonghwa you better tell your little girlfriend to stop bothering y/n before I beat her ass" "who my girlfriend" seonghwa ask "it daw-hu dumb ass" Hannah said "oh" was all he said. Fast forward and school was finally over as we were walking home the girls and guys started making plans I didn't know what exactly they were talking about since I wasn't paying attention "so y/n are you in" yeri ask "huh" "you weren't paying attention were you well anyway we are going to the beach to hang out are you coming" Hannah ask and before I can say anything "okay your coming" Hannah said even before I said anything maybe she know I was gonna deny it since I haven't been my self for the whole day fast forward and we all arrive at the beach everyone was having fun and as for me the only thing was in my mind was what if I got pregnant as I was in my thought there was a tap on my shoulder I turn around to see seonghwa "y/n are you okay you don't seem to be yourself today"seonghwa ask "oh yea I'm fine" "are you sure cause you haven't been talking this whole day" "oh it nothing" I said smiling back at him he then grab my hand and drag me over to our group of friend
What up guys sorry for not updating I was trying to get all my work in for school since the 1st quarter is ending so I haven't been updating but anyway here a new ep of accident brought us together and hope you all like it <3