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It was a normal day going to school, work and then go home and study but anyway I'm making my way to school as I was close to the school I heard screaming which I'm not surprise cause I know for sure it was for ateez you guy probably wonder who is ateez well ateez is a group of boy which is known as bad boy group first I'll start to introduce each and everyone of them first is seonghwa the player because he slept with almost everyone in school then there hongjoong who have a lot of piercings and he look hella cute with it but anyway there yunho the guy that have a cold look but he have a really soft heart and then there yeosang the guy that is so nice to everyone but I don't even know why he hanging out with that kind of group then there San the guy who look enough af (that ain't true he cute but I'm just putting this down for him) then there Minho who admire him self so much that I doubt he gonna date a girl then ther wooyoung who he think he is sexy but really he ain't sexy at all(that a lie he is sexy af) then lastly there jongho the baby in the group where can you find him?? Well you can find them in the club, back of the school and the roof top of school by the way the school roof top and back of school can't ever enter that place or else you gonna be in a living hell for you but anyway I ignore the student and went to my class as I arrive to my class yeri came running to me "y/n did you not see seonghwa was looking at you" "he was?" I said as I gave her a look and before she can say anything the teacher arrive to are class about a min into the lesson the door was kick open and not to be surprise it was ateez and it was not the first time that they did that as they walk in me and seonghwa made eye contact before I quickly look back into my work *lunch time* it was lunch time me and yeri was just looking around the school and we got so distracted that we forgot we got to the back of the school and we realize we were in the back of the school we look around and saw....
Here a new story for you all to read hope you guy enjoy this new story<3