Alice Returns

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It's been a few weeks since Jacob told me about him being a wolf, and I have never been happier. Currently Jacob and I were walking along the the beach, talking when we saw Bella jump off of a cliff. I started screaming "Oh my goodness!." "Jake Bella just jumped off of a cliff into the ocean and she isn't coming up.!" I told Jacob Jacob urgently. He immediately ran and jumped into the ocean, coming out with an unconscious Bella minutes later. After she wouldn't wake up, Jake gave her CPR. she woke up started coughing up water, when all the water was out of her lungs and i was  certain she was okay, I started yelling at her."Bella what the heck is wrong with you! why  would you jump off of a cliff!, Do you want to die?!" I screamed at her. Jake didn't really know what to say to her so he Just shook his head at her idiocy. He picked her up, placed her in the truck and put a blanket around her. She told us that she jumped because she wanted to see Edward." Bella that is literally the dumbest thing ever."I told her." you do realize that if Jake and I weren't on the beach to save you, you would have died, right?! I yelled at her. "Yes." she replied, ashamed. Jake drove both of us home. Bella was freezing,even with the blanket around her. I told her to sit closer to Jake since being a wolf made his body temperature very warm. She sat closer to Jake and warmed up fast when we stopped at home, Jake said that there was a vampire there,then we spotted Carlisle's car in the driveway. We told Jake that it was a Cullen, but he was still reluctant to let us go into the house. We went anyway. When we stepped into the house we discovered that it was Alice who was there. "Alice!" Bella and I yelled in joy at the same time and threw ourselves into her arms, she hugged us back and then said that she thought Bella was dead. She had a vision about Bella jumping off the cliff. "Bella why on earth would you try to kill yourself?" Alice asked her. Bella then said that she was cliff jumping and that it was fun. I just shook my head in disbelief. "I have never met anyone so prone to life threatening idiocy." Alice said in amusement. "Don't worry Alice, I haven't either,Bella is one of a kind." I replied. Alice laughed. "Hey,your my sister, your supposed to be on my side."Bella retaliated. Me and Alice burst out laughing at Bella's face. Then Alice made a face and asked us "Bella, Sophie, what is that God awful wet dog smell?" Then we told her that it was probably Jacob whose a werewolf. "Girls, werewolves are not good company to keep."she scolded us." Speak for yourself."  Jacob's voice came from behind Alice. All three of us turned around to the source of the voice." "Jake, you're still here." I said happily. "I thought you left?" I said questioningly. "I couldn't leave without making sure you Bella were safe." Jake answered making me blush and run over to him, throwing my arms around him in gratitude. "We'll I'm not going to hurt them Alice said offended. "No, you're just a harmless Cullen, I'm talking about the other bloodsucker, the redheaded leech." Jacob answered with hostility. "Victoria? Alice asked confused. "yeah, she's after Bella." Jake answered. "I didn't see her." Alice answered. "I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either Bella, I can't see anything past you and your pack of mutts." Alice said angrily. Jacob and Alice almost started fighting right there in the living room. I asked Alice if we could have a minute. She said that she would wait outside. Bella panicked and asked. " you're not going anywhere, you're coming back right? "she asked scared Alice would leave her alone again. "yes, as soon as you put the dog out." Alice replied and went outside. Jake asked, how many Cullens were here and how long they're staying. "it's just Alice." I said "She can stay as long as she wants." Bella added a little meanly. He asked if they're coming back we both said No. We were standing in the kitchen talking when the phone rang. Jake answered. I sounded like someone was asking for Daddy, but he wasn't home, the other day when Daddy and Harry Clearwater was out hunting for the wolves, Harry had a heartattack, so daddy is at the station helping to arrange his funeral. Jake told them that Charlie wasn't home that he was arranging a funeral. Seconds later Alice burst through the door telling Bella that Rosalie told Edward about her vision and that he is going to the Volturi, the vampire rulers, to have himself killed. Bella Left with Alice to go save him. I stayed behind with Jake and because someone needs to be home to tell Daddy where where Bella went. 

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