Arriving Home

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After I left Jake's house I caught up with Bella who was waiting for me a few meters away from Jake's house. "Hey Bells, you okay?" I asked. I knew what Jake said hurt her. "Yeah, I'm fine." She answered. I knew she was lying. "Bella, you don't have to lie to me, i'm your sister I will always be here for you, you know that." she smiled. "Yeah I do, thanks Soph."she said. "Anytime, sis." I replied. "Bella, Jake didn't mean what he said, he was shocked and was worried about losing his best friend and it didn't help that his best friend told him that she is planning to end her life and become one the people that is his sworn enemies." I told her. "I understand that Sophie and know he didn't mean it the way he said it, but that doesn't mean that it hurt any less." Bella said. I didn't really know what to say to that so I just gave her a hug and we walked home talking and laughing about everything and nothing. We got home pretty late because we walked instead of driving, it was already past dinner. When we got home Daddy came in and it was clear he just woke up, he probably fell asleep on the couch waiting for us. "You know Bella, Edward could at least respect meal times." Daddy told Bella. "Where were you little missy?" Daddy asked me. I just about to explain that we were with Jake but Bella beat me to it. "We were both with Jake dad." Bella said. "oh okay then, that's good." Dad said. A few seconds later there was a knock on the door, which we all knew was Edward. "We'll give you guys some privacy." Daddy said. "C'mon Sophie I recorded the new episode of Vampire Diaries for you, we can watch it together." Daddy said. "really!" I exclaimed happily. "You're the best dad ever." I squealed and hugged Daddy. We went to the living room and watched Vampire diaries, while Edward and Bella talked about stuff. When the episode was done Bella and Edward filled me in that someone was in the house. We decided that we needed to inform the others. We told Daddy that we were going to the Cullens house and that I was going with.

Bella's Little Sister (Jasper Whitlock Mate and Jacob Black Imprint Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now