Too Slow

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Location- Earth 39 - (Barry's Earth- to be called West-Allen Earth)

May 12, 2019

Speed crashed into a wall, Barry following instantly. Groaning, Speed gets up to face Cicada.

"Your powerless, Lightspeed! You can't defeat me!" Cicada yells.

"Why can't supervillains be less cliche?" Speed groans as he starts assessing the scene before him.

Cicada's dagger was 2 yards away from him. The meta criminal that Speed and Barry had come to fight was hiding behind a wall. Nora and Cisco were coming in fast. Speed punched Cicada as a distraction for Barry to attempt to get the dagger away.

Instead, Cicada slugs Speed straight across the face as well as summon her dagger. Cicada grabbed Speed and shatters his spine. Cicada - Grace - then leaped away

Speed was brought to the medical bay with a shattered spine. As he lied there, Barry and Nora checked his vitals. Finally, Speed woke up.

"Barry, Nora? Why can't I feel my legs?" Speed asked panicky.

"Speed," Barry said hesitantly, "Grace shattered your spine. Your healing factor is working overtime but your other powers seem to be shut down."

"A C-7 to a C-8 spinal injury? So I'm basically tech support now. Well I guess I can make all the upgrades to the suits now." Speed said slightly enthusiastically.

Soon, Speed was in Dr Well's wheelchair, zooming around to each suit to make improvements. He laced the tri polymer of all the speedster suits with dwarf star alloy and a small bit of tungsten to make the suits virtually indestructible. Next, he made adjustments to his googles to enhance his powers, if he would get them back.

After a day of hard work, Speed could finally feel his legs again. The problem was that he couldn't feel his powers. So Speed started to work on a new suit.

Speed was putting the finishing touches to his suit, when an alarm blared.

"Savitar has a girl that your GIDEON has identified as Rachel Lee at one of the abandon STAR Labs warehouses!" Cisco said, Speed already in his suit. Speed grabbed one of the spare extrapolators and one of Oliver's bow and quiver.

Speed appeared in front of Savitar and Rachel, decked out in a costume that would be worn by The Electric Archer in the future. But that wasn't important.

"Leave her alone Savitar." Speed growled, modulator off. Everyone there already knew his identity and it was far from others.

"I need you to be broken for me to be free." Savitar said, his suit blade deployed.

Using his natural superhuman speed, letting him run at the speed of sound, Speed got Rachel out of there and started fighting Savitar. Savitar, however, grabbed Speed and threw him into a a growing portal - a Speed Force Portal. Savitar ran away, leaving Speed in the Speed Force to take his place.

(A/N) Its Here! Now, I don't care if anyone is trying to make me pissed. I don't care about that. Anyways, the next scene was inspired by Reverse Flash Origins Season 1 Episode 5. Sp33d G4rr1ck Out!

Location- Unknown

Speed was stuck running in a beautiful landscape, screaming that was overpowered by the storm inside.

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