Chapter 13

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White Diamond POV
I sighed as my worry grew for the little diamond. After all, those rebels have been destroying and have been takings Pinks first and only colony turning them against her.
We were waiting for Pinks arrival back from her planet called "Earth" at Homeworld.

But she never came...she had been gone for way to long. I looked at my precious flower and noticed her worry on her pretty face. I put a hand on her shoulder making her gaze staring at me.I tried my best comforting my beautiful flower that Pink is okey and she is just a little late.My words seemed to reach her and I could se her finally relaxing. I smiled at her as my gaze wandered to my pearl approaching me and the other diamonds.

I took that as a sign that I had a lot to do. I sighed and waved Blue,Yellow and Moon a bye. It seems Yellow had things to do to so she went back to her chambers as well.

I can't lie to myself, I do worry a lot for the small diamond too. But I didn't want to worry Moon and the others more that they already did.I do hope Pink is okey.... I whispered to myself as I went back to work that was piling every second.

It had at least been a hour that pearl came to report me that the rebels had reached Homeworld shattering gems.I demanded all my gems in my colony to take out the rebels before anything bad would happen. But when I and the gems had reached the place we had waited for Pink to return..... I saw Rose holding pink and crystal white shards. Throwing them to the floor in front of me and the other Homeworld gems, thet stopped fighting looking at the shards in fright.

My heart dropped the second I saw them and a face of horror escapes my face as I noticed that it was Pink and Moon's shards. I became furious and went for that disgusting gem that had shattered my poor diamonds. But before I could reach them the rebels retreaded back to their ships and flew away leaving only shattered gems on the floor as the evidence they had been here in the first place.

I fell to my knees devastated as I picked up there shards holding them close. My tears pouring down my cheeks hitting the shards I held close to my chest.
Why.... I said as my tears started pouring wild. It hurt so much, I just couldn't stop....

Yellow and Blue ran up to me and there faces turn into shocked to sadness as they saw the shards I held in my hands. Blue broke down next to me crying devastated tears as Yellow put a hand on her mouth trying her best to hold in her tears looking away at the sight before her.

If only I would have stayed, stayed and waited with Moon,just maybe....I could have saved at least one of them... I also knew Pink wasn't ready to colonies a planet.... but I did it anyway...this is all my fault I spoke between devastated sobs.

As hours went I went in hiding in my chambers still heart broken. I stayed in my chambers and never went to speak with another gem or diamond in person as many years paced by. After some hundreds of years after Pink's and Moon's shattering, it got so hard hearing there names and pictures of them so I banned every information about them and if someone told there names they would be shattered.Because only the names of them brought me back to tears.

Yellow had visited me in my chamber trying to comfort me. But when she told Moon's name something snapped, I could feel my emotions drifting sorrow disappearing as I became a emotionless diamond.

So yeah now poor White is emotionless. Could she be saved from this? That we will know in the future chapters.
Well I do hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
Bye bye readers and see you guys at the next one😌

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