Chapter 15

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Moon Diamond POV
Steven told me to look around so that's what I did, I had now at least been strolling on the beach for about some hours now, I'm mostly losing myself in my thoughts every now and then.
Me and the gems really got along but I do have some doubts about all this.After all it was Pink who took me away from Homeworld. I know Steven isn't Pink.... but god he acts like her so much I actually thought it was her so many times already. Not only that, I miss White and the others so much, I guess I should push those thoughts away when I am with the others I told myself.

I sighed as I started walking back to the temple. As I reached the temple I saw Steven running towards me with a smile.
-What do you think about the planet so far Moon?

Steven asked with some curiosity in his voice  awaiting my response as his eyes could literally have stars in them. I giggled at his expression.
-It is sure a beautiful planet, there is so many interesting things here. Even more interesting than I thought.Maybe it won't be so bad staying here after all.

I told him with a smile looking at the sunset that made the sky a beautiful orange-pink hue upon it.I really can understand now why Pink protected earth and even had to turn her back against me and the other diamonds to protect her planet. Steven took my hand and began leading us back to the others.

As me and Steven went inside the temple I saw Garnet,Pearl and Amethyst playing some human game.I inspected the game closely and noticed the game was called "twister" as Steven had said. They were told to put a specific body part on a colored dots each turn by being controlled by a certain clock thing. It seemed you lost when you fell apart and couldn't hold the your stand any longer. Looks very interesting...
Humans can really make such fun things to entertain them self with, on Homeworld we didn't do "games" or play around or doing any fun at all. Because we were to busy controlling colonies and gems.

When the game was over, Garnet was the left one still standing. So I guess she won, I looked at garnet and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled  and patted my head gently. I don't know why she does that but she had been patting my head a lot lately.She did it every time she saw me, but sure I don't say I hate it, I actually like the affection. Pearl and Amethyst came up to me,Garnet and Steven and started chatting about a little of everything.
-Oh yeah right, I almost forgot.Moon you would have to stay in the barn with the other gems because there are no space. You could stay in the bathroom but I don't recommend it.

Steven told me a with a weak giggle looking up at me.
-I think I will go with the barn.

I said to Steven with a smile on my face. I followed Steven to the warp pad as I waved a bye to the other gems. Then suddenly we were floating and light surrounded us, I was mesmerized with my surroundings.
Sure I knew what a warp pad was but I had never been on one, I always used my ship to transport myself to different locations.
The light around us disappears as I felt us float back down to the ground. I looked at Steven with stars in my eyes. He giggled and motioned me to follow him.

After a few minutes of walking we were nearing a big red building while Steven told me what a barn was and about the gems I was about to meet. He told me a Lapis Lazuli and a Peridot was at this locations called the "barn" Steven had told me I was going to stay in, he also told me the gems was also living in the barn. I simply nodded at him while he was telling me all this.

Steven told me to wait outside while he got the other gems outside to meet me.While he went inside I plopped myself on the ground as a orange creature reached me, the creature examining me and licked me all over the face. I giggled at the cute creature and picked him up, hugging it against my chest talking sweet nothing at it. As I was lost playing with the creature I could hear Steven laughing and a quite snort coming from a Blue gem. As I noticed they had caught my action with the adorable creature I felt a blush reach my cheeks as I let the creature go towards, it ran towards Steven, the blue gem and the green gem.
-This is Lapis and this is- Periiiidoootttt

Steven told me making a dramatic drum sound before he said peridot name, like if he were on a scene. I giggled and held my hand up awaiting a handshake and Lapis took it.
-My name is Moon Diamond, call me Moon. I heard I will be staying at the barn with you guys.

I heard Peridot gasp as stars formed in her eyes looking at me amazed. She quickly went up to me clutching my hands as quickly as possible when Lapis had stopped greeting me, she looked at my face.

Peridot said in a loud and high pitch voice, looking at me with a big eyes. I giggled at the sight before me, although happy that I wasn't that forgotten back on Homeworld.
-yup, that's me.

I said to Peridot and I heard once again a snort, looking at the source the sound came from. I noticed it came from Lapis, trying her best to not be laughing her lungs out at the sight before her. I laughed at the expression Lapis made and I could her the other laughing with me as our loud laughter filled the air. Once we had calmed down Steven had to return to the others.

Me,Peridot and Lapis waved a bye to Steven as he warped back to the gems back at the temple. Lapis and Peridot showed me around and showed me a show called Camping hearts. I was completely mesmerized by the show and me and Peridot ranted how Pierre did Percy wrong in the show. Lapis only giggling at our desperation about the characters. We started getting along and I soon became one with the crystal gems helping them out in the missions and pearl learning me how to fight.

Tell me what you guys think so far of the chapters and tell me some requested Moon and the Crystal gems could be doing on earth.Like a beach day or something.
Well hope you enjoyed it and cya at the next chapter.😋🤔🥰

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