(REQUEST) avdol x reader

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title: rain

requested by @weeashitboo

     It was a horrid day outside: for once, it was raining, which wasn't that common in Egypt, and it was freezing cold for whatever reason. Normally, you'd be incredibly bothered by the weather, but there were other things that were going on inside your Cairo house that kept you entertained.

For example, your son, Atemu. Atemu had the intelligence of your husband, but had the inquisitiveness of yourself. His hair was also like your husband's, yet it was softer and was down all the time instead of up. Atemu's eyes were the same colour as your's. He also had the tendency to wear peculiar headbands, just like your husband too.

"Checkmate!" He exclaimed, excitedly throwing his hands up in the air. Atemu was only three, and yet he could beat anyone in a chess game.

And his father was a fortune teller.

"Agh! You've got me again!" Avdol groaned, also throwing his hands up in exasperation. He was always so easy on his son, in the aspect of letting him win every game they played and every arm wrestling competition, even though he quite obviously could beat him with his impressive intellect and muscly arms.

Although, Atemu was incredibly smart for his age...

     Avdol leaned back in his chair, his warm brown eyes looking over his son's face. "Goodness, Atemu, you're so good at these things. Soon enough, you'll overtake me."

     "Papa, I've already overtaken you," Atemu proudly replied. "Mama always tells me that I am a smart boy, so I act like a smart boy."

     "She is right." Your husband glanced back at you, who was standing in the doorway looking over at the pair of them. He sent you a small smile and a very subtle wink, to which you went pink and smiled back. "You are smart, but you haven't overtaken me yet."

Atemu frowned. "You're so mean, Papa."

Avdol mocked Atemu's frown, and then stood up to come over to you. He gently smiled as you opened your arms to embrace him, and smiled even more when he realised that Atemu was coming to join in.

The Egyptian's long and muscular arms wrapped around your smaller frame, and his head rested on top of yours. Atemu was wedged in between you, squirming and whining to be let go. Just to tease him, Avdol tightened his grip on you, causing the boy to be even more squished.

     "Papa!" He cried, his voice muffled, "let me out! I want to see what's going on..."

     Reluctantly, Avdol moved further away from you, leaving you with just his hand on your arm and a quick kiss on your forehead. Atemu quickly leapt up latched himself onto his father's chest. "Papa, listen to the rain," he whispered, craning his head to look out of the window.

The rain was soothing, and made everyone instantly calmer from all the teasing and laughing that was going on not that long ago. The three of you were silent, completely blocking everything else out just to listen to the sound. While you and Atemu were looking out of the window, Avdol's eyes were on you.

He could feel his heart swell with love - something that he hadn't felt very often in his thirty-one years of living, but he'd learnt to appreciate everything more after he'd returned from his journey with his fellow Stardust Crusaders. Avdol had to make sure that he loved everyone he cared for, as he had no idea when he'd have to say goodbye.

He almost teared up. Avdol didn't want to say goodbye to you.

Especially his son - he wouldn't be able to cope with leaving Atemu for even a minute, let alone a lifetime. He loved his son as much as a Zeppeli loved a Joestar (sorry). Although, you were probably number one on his 'loved ones' list.

     Which was why he was glad that Atemu was born after the crusade began, as he didn't have to leave such a cute little face behind.

"That's a nice sound," you whispered after a while. The rain continued to pour down, and you could almost hear Beneath the Mask playing softly in the background (sorry again).

Avdol sighed and brought you both closer. He picked up Atemu in his arms and held him against his chest, and with the other arm, he kept his hold on you tight. He sighed contently, and, in the softest voice a man like him could muster, he said, "Thank you."

You turned around, confused. "Thank you? What for?"

"Yeah, what for, Papa?" Chirped Atemu, also turning around and looking at Avdol with those big eyes.

Avdol's small smile turned into a large, happy one that showed his wife and his son his emotions exactly. "For being here," he finished. "For being here with me."

Atemu looked baffled. "Where else would we be?"

"Somewhere without me, somewhere where I wouldn't be able to see you." Somehow, you got the idea that he could've been talking about what the crusade could've brought around.

     While your son still looked as confused as he'd ever be, you gently looked up at him with a tender smile that told him that you knew exactly what he was on about. Soon enough, Atemu ran off, tired of listening to 'boring rain sounds', leaving the two of you to talk to each other alone.

     "Mo," you whispered, your breath hot on his neck, "don't say things like that, it makes me sad."

     He sheepishly laughed. "Sorry. I went into a world of my own back there. I was thinking about you and Atemu." Avdol's hands soon found yours, and they held them gently as if they would vanish into thin air if he wasn't careful enough.

    You gently rubbed circles into the back of his hands, watching as his eyes were either watching the rain outside or watching you. "You big softie." At that comment, Avdol's content look turned into a playful frown. You laughed. "Don't look at me like that!"

     "Don't do this, don't do that," Avdol mocked. "What's next, 'don't touch me ever again'?"

     "Mo, darling, you know I love your hugs. But, also," you paused for effect, looking into his eyes and smugly grinning, "how do you feel about more children?"

     Avdol looked confused, but his baffled look soon turned into the happiest beam you'd ever seen him put on. "What do you mean-


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