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steve's p.o.v.

'so you're telling me, she just got in.'
natasha says.
'nat, the minuten she signed up for the program ,i did a background check. she made a whole fake identity. she must've been planning this for months.' he says.
'do you know what she took?' nat askes tony.
'my team says bankrecords, but only that.' he says.

'peter you said her name was (yn) right.' i ask peter.
'um yes. her whole name is (yn) (yln), she's in my class. she skipped a few grades because she was so smart. doesn't have any friends at all,
and as far as know, she has no parent.' he says.
i sigh, i know exactly who she is.
'the winter widow broke into shield.'
everyone looks at me.

'peter is she still in school?' i ask him.
'in the 3 years she has been in our school she never missed one day.
i guess she went straight back to school.' he says.
'okay let's go.' i say.

(yn) p.o.v.

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!
everything that could go wrong went wrong.
they know how i look, where i live , where i go to school.
my life is over.
but for some fucked up reason i just went back to school.
i walked into my chemistry class and sat down.
peter wasn't there of course.

we were half way truh the lesson.
and if my day wasn't already shitty,
a shield van stopped before the school.
and surprise surprise the avengers get out.
my heart starts beating so fast.
'miss smith i don't feel so good can i be excused please.' i ask.
i hope this workes.

'of course.' bingo get the hell out of here.
i walk out of class, just when i go around the corner i hear voices.
'you sure she has chemistry?' i hear steve rogers say.
'mister rogers i have had this class for 6 months, yes we have chemistry now.' i hear peter sass.
i didn't know he could sass.

i climb out of a window and walk to my bike.
it's a black sportbike, i put my backpack on thight.
i start my motor and when i drive past the classroom i can see the avengers looking at me dumbfounded, when they found out i outsmarted them.
i outsmarted earths mightiest heroes.
i drove out of the school with a smirk on my face.

hellloooo people
hope you like part 3 i don't know if i can post tommorow but i'll try
there is gonna be action don't worry
it's about to start
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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