not her

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steve's p.o.v.

i yolt up and pant heavy.
i look at my chest and to my surprise the cut was gone.
i look at my right and see (yn) standing there with black fluids all over her face.
she smiles faintly before falling to the ground.
i shoot up from the fround and run
to her.
'(yn), hey wake up.' i slap her cheeks a bit.
'(yn), common this isn't funny.' i take her heartbeat  and i feel her slowly slipping away.

'what happened?!' i yell at the avengers.
'she traited her life for yours.' lucifer says with tears in his eyes.
my heart stops. i look at her and her heartbeat stops.
'no,no,no,no.' i say hugging her lifeless body.
'why didn't you stop her!!!' i yell at them.
'don't pin this on us' peter yells
'if you would've payed attention she wouldn't have traited her life!!!!'
he yells.
tears are streaming down all of our faces.

'no, i'm not gonna let this happen' lucifer says
'there needs to be something i can do.' he opens a portal and dissapears.
i pick up her lifeless body and we walk to the palace.
when we enter the palace and shuri sees her body she breaks down.
i didn't want her friends to see her like this but they needed to know.
we entered the conference room and they all looked up happy,
but their faces fell when they saw her body.

'please say it isn't treu, please.' Bente says.
i shake my head and she breaks down.
Peter walks in and they all run to him and give him a hug.
'she said i needed to tell you she loved you.' he says between sobs.
everybody is grieving.
(yn) was happiness, and light, even though she was born out of hate.
she brought a new meaning to our lifes.

'i never got to take her to queens.' peter sobs.
we lay her down on a table and burn some candles.
after a few houres of looking at her dead body, lucifer walks back into the room.
he has a grin on his face.
seriously, his princess just died.
i push him against a wall
'why are you grinning!' i yell.
he point at (yn)'s body.

behind her a portal opens and someone walks out.
it's (yn)!
or at least her spirit.
'i made an arrangement with my brother, and after a big argument, he decided she didn't belong in hell.'
everyone looked shocked at the ghost standing over her own body.
she puts a hand on her bodys head.
sparks ignite and white clouds appear.
the body starts to float and and the spirit is sucked into the body.

the clouds dissapear and the body comes down again.
after a few seconds of silence,
she yolts up.
she puts a hand on her chest and tries to control her breathing.
'never again.' she says.
she gets up from the table and looks at me with tears in her eyes.
'it worked.' she says.
i run to her and embrace her.
'it worked.' i repeat.
'next time i die don't try to bring me back to life.' i say.
'there wont be a next time dad.' she says.

when we part she looks at peter.
he has tears in his eyes.
she walks up to him and wipes away his tear with her thumb.
he takes her hand and kisses her palm.
she puts her hand on the back of his neck and connects their lips.
they pull away after a few seconds and they look into each others eyes.
'you didn't think i'd leave you, did you?' she says and they both laugh.

after that she runs to her friends and embraces them.
'if you ever do that again i'll lock you in your room.' Aitor says.
after hugging everyone she walks up to tony.
'so i was thinking' she starts, she immediately has everyones attention
'now that hydra is gone, they don't need to hide anymore.' she says.
'are you asking me' tony says with a raised eyebrow
'to let 3 more teenagers into the HQ.' he says.
'cause if that's the case then...............'

heeeellllooooo peoples
i'm happely announcing that
there will be an epilogue and then this story is finished
i hope you liked the story
i already have a new story in line for you guys so don't worry
it's an arrow/flashxreader
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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