Chapter One

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*Welcome back, my lovely readers! 'Ryder' is the 3rd installment in the Savage Wolves MC Series! They don't *have* to be read in order, but it is recommended as the series takes off from where the last book left off. There are also things that happened to Talia in the first book that correlate to the plot of this book. Enjoy! Content warnings and graphic/non-graphic chapters will exist throughout due to some subject matter, so be forewarned. It's going to get dark at some point.*


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"Fuck, your pussy's tight, baby."


"Turn back over, lemme look at that pretty face."

I scrunch my eyes closed to stave off the tears threatening to fall. "Stop. Get off of me."

"Wha— Talia, you okay? Shit."

Dougie pulls out of me and I immediately pull my legs up to my chest and cradle a pillow against my shins to cover myself.

I keep my eyes closed, trying to relax the trembling in my lower lip from the sobs breaking through my shield.

"Talia? Baby, talk to me."

"I don't want to talk about it!" I blurt out, cracking open my eyes to see Dougie looking defeated at the end of the bed. His chest is still slick from the sweat accumulated from our attempt - our fifth attempt - at having some semblance of a sexual connection. His breaths are still ragged and his face is still flushed.

Some soft music plays in the background from one of the speakers set up in the living room and candles burn around us to set a romantic ambience. But nothing has helped.

Nothing has gotten me into the mood.  Nothing has made me feel normal again. Nothing.

"Talia..." He speaks softly, reaching out a hand to lightly touch my shoulder, but I flinch and he removes it.

"Please, D, just leave me alone," I whisper, burying my head into the pillow and allowing a few mascara stained tears to drip onto the white pillowcase.

"I'll be back in my apartment if you need me. Even if all you want is to not be alone. I'm here for you Talia. I want to help you."

I nod, grateful to have him in my life, even though I can't give him the one thing we used to be best at - amazing fucking sex.

He's not called the 'Pussy Destroyer' for nothing. Dougie was the best lay of my life. Biggest dick I've ever seen. Best body to ever grace my presence. And a tongue that can play my body like a violin.

He grabs his clothes, dressing in just his jeans and heads to the front door. "It'll get better one day. It always does."

I want to believe him, I do, but I find it harder and harder with each day that passes with me still feeling violated. I can still feel their hands on my body. Their tongues on my skin. Other parts of them on other parts of me.

REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now