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MINJU finally decided, she was not gonna meet Chaewon tomorrow

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MINJU finally decided, she was not gonna meet Chaewon tomorrow. It wasn't cold hearted, Minju just needed time to get away from everything. The frog was walking towards a nearby sweet roll shoppe "Could I get some pastries, please?," the other nodded.

The cold breeze flowed throughout the air, and Minju was going out with her father for 'fresh air', but in reality she knew it was because her father was trying to comfort her

"Here ya go, mind getting me one?," he chuckled as the girl nodded. "Thank you!," she finally broke a smile. It's been so long since she'd been able to smile. Her eyes darted at the shop. The pungent smell of delicious chocolate rolls filled her nostrils. Once she walked in the shop, it was so beautiful. The sunset outside the window painted the small area a nice orange and yellow.

Minju's eyes fell onto the nice cream rolls in the bakery. "Hi! Welcome to Sweet Flower Bakery, my name is Hitomi!," the small peach-like girl waved at Minju. "Oh! Uh hi," she awkwardly waved back. "What would you like?," the brunette thought hard and finally chose the delicious treats. "Could I have a chocolate croissant, a sweet roll, and two hot chocolates?,"

"To-go or eat in?," "To-go," Hitomi smiled and called the back to get her boxes. Minju paid and was now waiting for the drinks. "Here ya go Hitomi!," the voice was familiar, too familiar for comfort.

Minju froze.

"Thanks Chaewon-unnie," the peach hollered. "Here you go!," the 'Hitomi' girl smiled. "Thanks," the brunette mumbled and raced out of the shop before a small mumble 'Minju?,'.

The frog had practically ran out of the bakery and towards her father. "Min what took you so long? I was worried," he sipped on the hot chocolate. "Hurry!," Minju pushed her father towards their car, as she spotted Chaewon coming out of the bakery. "Min, we just got here," "I'll carry everything!," Minju cursed for parking too far away from the mall area.

Chaewon had spotted Minju, and she was running towards her. Minju couldn't move. God, she couldn't move! "You feeling okay, Min?," the said girl gulped. "Uh, I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick," she dashed towards the farthest area. "Min! I swear this kid is crazy,".

Minju's breath was caught in her throat. Chaewon saw her. Her chest started to tighten, no this couldn't be happening right now. No, she'd done so much to get away from Chaewon. How could this happen?

Small footsteps started to be heard.

"Min?," she finally let go of the breath she unintentionally held. "Dad, let's go home and enjoy the pastries," she smiled. "Yeah, but your friend here said she wants to talk to you," the frog realized the smaller figure standing next to her father.

"Minju, let's talk," "Not now," "Yes now," Chaewon had dragged the beauty out of the area. "You don't get to tell me—this—this information about your feelings and expect me shrug it off as nothing!," the fairy held onto the girls' wrist. Now she couldn't run away. "Why can't you understand that I'm trying to fix things," Chaewon's voice sounded so soft and comforting, and Minju wanted nothing more than to hug and be filled with the fairy's voice.

The beauty hadn't said anything. She couldn't, as if her mouth was forced to be closed shut. There was so many words Minju wanted to say but couldn't. "I've gotta go," she muttered.

"Wuh—What? You can't run away again," tears started to swell behind Minju's eyes. God, she was terrified. This was the last thing Minju wanted. A small hug came from the older. "I'm not letting you go, okay?," she held Minju in the terrible cold night. Tears left the younger's eyes as she cried into the shorter's shirt. "Chae,".

"Hm?," "Thuh—This isn't right," Minju wiped her eyes as she forced herself out of Chaewon's grip. "I'm sorry," the frog muttered. "Then make it up to me and let's go somewhere tomorrow," she hugged Minju once more.


Minju was finally at school, and Yuri was interrogating her like crazy. "You made me worried sick!," "I'm sorry," Minju chuckled. "Can't believe you made me ride the bus alone!," "Yah! I let you be with Yena," Minju scoffed, while the other played a light blush on her cheeks.

Yuri mumbled "Whatever,".

A boy maybe a year older than Minju came up to her while blushing madly. "Oh—Uh Minju-ssi, can you—uh," he stuttered with his words, making Minju smile softly. Chaewon had coincidentally walked behind the small boy. Her soft eyes darkened and were no longer light, but intimidating and venomous. "Can you go on a date with me?," Minju chuckled. "Uh maybe next time," she politely rejected. He looked up, and evident tears invaded his eyes.

This was a guy who was popular, a football player. He risked his position just to be rejected. Now Minju felt bad. "How bout' we meet after school at the library, hm?," her voice was playful. As if she was talking to an old friend. The boy's eyes lit up. "Sure!," his eyes smiled with his lips.

"Wow Minju," Yuri smirked as she eyed Chaewon. "You gotta date with some boy," Minju face palmed. "I did it because I felt bad, okay? He already asked me out like two other times, and since I lik—I had feelings for someone else, he never had a chance," Yuri shrugged. "You still said yes," she teased.

If stares could kill, Minju would be six feet under. Her eyes met with the fairy as she walked up to her. "Hey, I thought we were going somewhere today?," the thought had slipped Minju's mind. "Oh yeah! I—uh we gotta postpone sorry," she cheekily smiled. "I gotta date," Chaewon looked like she could kill. "Oh! Where?," her question was a bit invasive but, whatever.

"The library after school," Minju wrapped her arms around her arms. The frog felt like crumpling beneath Chaewon's gaze. "Gotta get to class!," Chaewon was left too dust when Minju abruptly left.


Once Minju got to the library she was met with the older boy, and Chaewon? The boy waved enthusiastically. "Hiya Minju!," he cutely said. As a very angry—too say the least—Chaewon was sitting probably two seats away from where Minju was supposed to sit.

This was going to be a very long day.

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