Chapter Seven

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(Cloudedpaw's POV)
Cloudedpaw finished telling Wolfwhisper and nodded to Scarletstar. "Well, that's interesting. Scarletstar, what should we do about RageClan?" Wolfwhisper asks. "I don't know yet, Wolfwhisper. I need time to think." "Scarletstar! We may not HAVE time to think! Ravagestar could attack at any time!" Wolfwhisper hissed, low enough not to wake Quaillight.
"Well, Cloudedpaw could, I don't know, shapeshift into something and watch them, or he could invade Ravagestar's dreams, without alerting him."
Scarletstar sighed. "Then We'd be taking advantage of him." Cloudedpaw looked at her. " I could do it then We'd know when he plans to attack and we'd be ready! Plz Scarletstar, I'll do anything to protect this clan!" Cloudedpaw says.
Scarletstar nodded. "Then it's settled. Cloudedpaw, tonight you do whatever it is you do and come tell us in the morning. for now, it's time to start the patrols.". Cloudedpaw nodded and padded out of the medicine den, leaving Scarletstar and Wolfwhisper alone.
Already most of the clan had gathered around Grasswhisker. "Cloudedpaw! If you're sick, go back to your den. We can't risk any others getting sick." Grasswhisker says. Cloudedpaw stopped, considering. 'I could go and see what's happening in RageClan now.' He thought. "Y-Yes, Bellyache." He said, 'groaning'. "then you'd best stay here." Grasswhisker says. "Dragonscales, take Firepelt, Gorsefur, Pinewhisker, and Treetail with you to check the Rageclan border."
Cloudedpaw watched as the patrols went out then made sure no one was looking. He crept behind the nursery and crawled out through the Dirtplace tunnel, wrinkling his nose at the scent. 'Yuck!' he thought.
Cloudedpaw where are you going!" a familiar voice called after him. 'Fox-dung!' Cloudedpaw thought whisking around. Pantherkit stood there with his sister. "Pantherkit, Scarletstar sent me on a secret mission. You can't tell anyone, ok?" Cloudedpaw said, thinking fast. "Wow! A secret mission! Cant we come with you?" His sister (A/N : I forgot her name) says. "No, I have to go alone. Besides your mom wouldn't be happy to find her kits missing." Cloudedpaw says."awe. Ok, bye Cloudedpaw!" Pantherkit says, dashing back. "Good luck on your mission!" His sister calls dashing after Pantherkit. 'That was close.' Cloudedpaw thought continuing into the forest.

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