Getting Used to this World

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I started walking the streets untill I saw a house with their windows open I climbed in their window and sat in their kitchen, I was very out of breath and I made so much noise I woke the girl up she got a giant ass knife (so this is what being scared is like I was always curious) I backed up I didn't want to die already "P-Please dont hurt m-me" there's alot of demons in the human world. "Hey dont worry maybe my boyfriend can help you hes coming home soon around 9 or so you should get yourself cleaned up I will give you some clothes dont worry." She was actually nice and while I was taking a shower I saw my scars and the stitches from the "surgery" I ran from it burnt but the warmth felt nice at the same time, I got out of the shower and actually felt clean I wore the clothes she gave me they were comfy and soft almost like a kitten. I heard the front door open it was her boyfriend I got freaked out but I could hear them talking so I stepped out. I talked to him for a while buut I dont think he likes me.. I mean if some random guy came into my house and started talking to my girl I would be sus and wouldn't like that at all, but he just smiled at me I think I'm good for now at least, they told me too sit on the couch and just chill for a bit I fell asleep for a while and when I woke up I got blasted with questions which I wasn't prepared for. "Where did you come from?" (I had to make up a lie I still had alien in me and always will) "I- umm well all I remember is my girlfriend giving me a-a drink and something happened like a fight between us and I ran off." I couldn't think of anything so I tried making the best lies I could other then things I actually remember in my new human life "Who are you?" "Well my name is Oliver Tree just a singer and all." I ate some more and then I remember what happened I fell down to earth from about a hundred miles away from the mothership but it was overrated and somehow played out. I just then realized those were lyrics to my most popular song.."AAA I HAVE TO GO BACK TO TOUR BUT I WONT BE GONE FOR LONG!" I ran out of that place and to my surprise they weren't to far ahead they were on a bridge but as soon as I went their I fell off the bridge and broke my ankle they rushed me too the hospital and ended up in a wheelchair the doctor told me not to go to tour but I said fuck you and went anyway. A couple days later I got to take a few days off of the tour I still had ptsd from that one night but I had to make up more bullshit lies to tell the therapist lady.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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