Jeff Atkins - Instagram

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jAtkins: with my favourite girl 💖@yourusername789 likes 97 comments

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jAtkins: with my favourite girl 💖

Montydlc: you guys are weirdos 😂

Zachdunker: it's like 100 degrees out how do you guys have jumpers on?

Jessxdaviss: you guys are so cute, remember the party at my house tonight

Yourusername: @Montydlc shut up you meat head, you know you love us 😌

Yourusername: @jessxdaviss yeah girl we will be there. Make sure Monty doesn't get there to early and eat everything before anyone else even shows up.

Helmet5: Hannah and I are coming to the party

jAtkins: atta boy Jensen

Itscourtneycrimson: hey Jeff, tell your girlfriend not to drink so much this time. We all know how that usually turns out 😒

RyanShaver: fuck off Courtney.

JaddyFoley: liberty highs favourite couple showing off there undying love for each other
@jAtkins just remember bro, you hurt her and I won't hesitate to come after you with one of your own baseball bats

jAtkins: @JaddyFoley you know that I would never hurt her man. She means everything to me, I'm gonna stick by her through thick and thin and will always love and protect her no matter what. And if I ever did hurt her, I would probably come after myself with a baseball bat 😂

Hanbaker02: you guys are so cute. Also can't wait to see you tonight @yourusername and don't worry about giving me a ride home this time, clay is going to drop me off

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