Mom's party

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It was the next morning. The sun was shining throw the window. I started to open my eyes when I noticed that my mom wasn't at home so I called her to see were she was.

Ring Ring Ring. The phone rang three times before she pick up the phone. "Hi, mom I was just wondering we're you are at?"

She laughed at me. "You don't have to be worried about me Isabella."

"I know mom just wondering how long you will be gone for the day?"

"I should be home around three or four o'clock, why what's up?"

"Oh nothing."

"I can hear it in your voice what are you up to?"

I looked around the house and made something up to get off the phone with my mom. "Mom I really got to go hear someone at the door."

When I got off the phone with my mom I started my day off by cleaning the house then around eleven I'm going to call Jake to come get me to take me to the store. I was going to make my mom's favorite food. Pizza lasagna.

When I was a little girl I always remember that she would make that every Friday. That's when life was good when my dad wasn't a drunk. I got the house cleans and called Jake.

He picks up the phone. "Hey Bella what's up?"

My face started to blush. "I was wondering if we could to the store to get party stuff?"

He chuckled. "For what Bella?"

I felt my emotions get the best of me, so I ended up yelling. "FOR MY MOM YOU IDIOT!"

"I'll be right there in a second, I didn't mean to upset you."

Before I could reply back to what he said I could hear a knock on the door. Then are phone call dropped. It was Jake at the door and he looked down at me and gave me a small smile.

I then gave him a hug. " Jake I'm so sorry for giving you an attitude just a few minutes ago."

He then returned the hug. "It's ok Bella, is there anything I can do to help?"

So we started to hang up the streamers throw the house. We had pink and white balloons all over the house. Then we put a big pink banner across the front porch that said Cancer free. After a while I sat down and relaxed my feet.

Jake walked over. "Are you ok beautiful?"

I always smiled when he called me beautiful. "Yes I'm fine we have to go get my moms cake, oh god I forgot."

Jake then helped her into the car. Then they was off to the cake store. Isabella always went to the cake store when she was a little girl with her grandma and grandpa. On the way there Jake looked over to see how she was doing and he couldn't do bother but smile.

He then started to think to his self, she looks so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps. Before they know it they was at the cake store. They had a beautiful background. They had this gold trim line in the back ground. On the side they had flowers on both ends and in the middle of the it all had three cupcakes and the name. The shop was called Allison's Bakery.

Jake then steps out the car and lock all the doors and let's Isabella get her sleep. After he gathered all his things he walked in the store.

There was a lady in all pink. "Hi my names Allison, how may I help you today?"

"Hi Allison, my name is Jake I'm here to pick up a cake."

"What's the name for the cake?"

"The name is Isabella,"

"What kinda of cake was it?"

"I Believe the cake was chocolate and vanilla with you did it mom."

"Oh ok I know witch cake that is, hold on I'll be right back."

A few seconds passed and she came back with the cake. "Your total is $50, would you be paying with cash or credit."

"I'll be paying with cash."

"So what did you and your mom do?"

Jake just chuckled a little. "Oh this isn't for my mom this is for my girlfriend's mom."

"Ohh who is your girlfriend?"

"Her name is Isabella and her mother had cancer but they beat the cancer."

"Are you talking about Isabella as in the one who is pregnant?"

"Uhh, yes ma'am that sure indeed the one I'm talking about."

"Ohh my how much she has grown I have known her since she was about 3 years old and now look she having one of her own."

"Oh wow that's a long time, but I must get going she's out in the car sleeping didn't want to wake her."

"Ok catch you later."

"If you want to stop by the party your more than welcome,have a nice day."

"I'll stop by,what time?"

"It's starting at 4 o'clock."

"Ok, see you there."

"See you have a nice rest of your day."

"You to."

Jake then got in the car and shut the door. Jake looked over and seen Isabella starting to move. But lucky it didn't wake her up. So on the way home Jacob played some nice soft relaxing music. He thought it would be  nice and soothing for Bella.

Jake pulled up in the driveway and Bella woke up. "Jake how did you pay for the cake, when the money is right here?"

Jake grabs all the cake and the groceries. "Don't worry about it Bella, I paid for it with my own money and don't try and pay me back."

They all started to decorate the house. It looked so beautiful had pink balloons and streamers throw out the house. Then there was three bouquets of pink and white flowers mixed with red roses. The dishes was all pink with a whit table cloth.

All my friends started to show up at my house. The last person that showed up was my mom. When she walked throw the door she had the biggest smile on her face. We all was having a good time. As we all sat down to eat the pepperoni lasagna that I made I started to feel contractions.


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