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8. His Only Friend

We're eating at the cafeteria, taking our break before we go to the library to study for our upcoming exams. My friends are still talking about what happened last night. I feel so lightheaded and my mind feels like spinning so I was randomly zoning out every minute with the conversation. In addition with that, I wasn't able to have enough sleep last night because I keep thinking about the argument between Joong and I. 

The endless thought made me restless and sleepless that it reaches on the point of bothering me the whole time. I keep telling myself to not make it a huge deal but the more I think of what he said, the more it makes wonder more about what he meant that night. 

My eyes drifted at Soo Ya across the table, laughing with Shin Hye and Woo Yung about something. Somehow I feel relieved that she's being alright regardless of what Joong had said towards her. 

"I couldn't believe that jerk said those things to you, I mean, how could he?" I heard Shin Hye exclaimed, talking to Soo Ya. She crossed her arms against her chest and I can almost see fumes coming out of her ears because of anger. "He's a literal jerk. I hate it because he has this gorgeous face and I want to be mad at him for what he did to you..."

"I don't blame Joong Archen though. Maybe I was insensitive that's why he said those words." Soo Ya said gently, not even a single sign of resentment on her face. "Please do not hate him, he's our friend." 

"Is he our friend?" Woo Yung asked in scepticism. "His only friend here is Nine Kornchid." he said, looking after me. His tone was a little bit affront; as if it was my mistake to be friend with Joong. 

"Come on," I wave my hands off, denying what he said. "We're not friends. We just know each other, but not friends." I act coolly. 

My friends didn't said anything after but I can tell that they didn't believed me when I said that we are not friends. I feel bad for lying to them but on the other hand, I have no confidence as well to tell them that Joong and I are friends. I can't even tell to myself if we're really friends because he said in the very first place the we aren't. 

I simply take a deep breath, feeling the sudden heaviness in my chest. I wanted to talk to Joong but I haven't seen him the whole day. We had few classes and our lab class was cancelled this morning so I never had the chance to see him. 

My phone suddenly buzzed breaking me from my thoughts. I look at the screen and received a message from our curriculum group chat. I glanced at my friends and found them staring at their phone too, with deep curiousity on their faces. 

"Is it too early for a curriculum meeting?" Eun asked unknowingly, as she is our freshmen chairman. 

We all stare at each other, thinking as well on why we are going to have a meeting all of a sudden. Apparently, we all just shrugged our shoulders as we started to stand up and walking outside the cafeteria. 

Along the way, Eun was the person contacting the rest of the freshmen to attend the meeting. I can see that she's getting pressured because the meeting was unannounced and she wasn't able to disseminate the news to everyone. 

My phone buzzes again indicating that there's another message came in. I look into our group chat and read the message silently. My eyes widened in shock, reading the message again for the second time.

"Men's comfort room?!" Shin Hye blurted out. She looked at Eun, who's still puzzled of what is happening right now.

"What kind of curriculum meeting is this? Really, at the men's comfort room?" Moo Bin added, mortified. 

"Let's just go." Eun said warily, walking ahead of us. 

We obligely followed Eun on the way to the men's comfort room which is on the farthest corner of the Science Faculty building. There are already few freshmen standing outside the men's bathroom, baffled as well. Eun lead the way and we stepped inside hurriedly, almost catching our breaths just to arrive before the time. 

MY ID IS JOONG'S BESTFRIEND [JOONGNINE] [J9]Where stories live. Discover now