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30. You Will Never Walk Alone. (Last Chapter)

A part of Soo Ya.

I stare at my own reflection in the mirror, I see a pair of dark brown eyes in which the pupils are lost in. I try to fix my hair by running my fingers into the strands of my long brown hair. I paused momentarily and with a frustrated sigh, I lean on the sink bowl, lowering my gaze at the flowing water coming from the faucet. 

My slender fingers pressed into the skin of my forearms, chewing on my bottom lip as I forced myself to drop off the apprehension in the back of my mind yet Nine Kornchid's voice continues to bother which really drives me crazy. 

With shaky breath, I stand straight composing myself. I gaze at my own reflection for the one last time and decided to step out of the female's washroom. I walk through the empty hallways of the building just when I saw Woo Yung heading straight to our field classroom. 

I run immediately towards him, putting a smile I always wear when I'm around with my friends - it has been a bit for me - to pull out that kind of expression towards everyone. I called for Woo Yung and he turns his heels towards my approaching direction. I cheerfully greeted him, grabbing his arm gently. 

"How are you?" I asked him, starting up with a conversation. My smile fades when Woo Yung didn't respond on me instead he looks at me with a straight line on his lips and clenching jaw. "Is- there some-something wrong?" I asked with confusion. 

"Do you think we're really friends?" Woo Yung muttered bitterly. He hastily pull away his arm from my hold. "You're- you're such a terrible friend, Soo Ya." he said to me with pure disappointment on his face. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. Woo Yung." I replied. 

"Did you know that Nine's grandmother has passed away? Did you even... paid a visit just to ask if he's okay? You didn't! What kind of friend are you? Are you really that jealous of Nine that you have to go this far? Just because you wanted to be popular than him?" Woo Yung sneered right in front of me. I'm taken aback unexpectedly by his words.  "And now you're coming over and act like the bubbly, friendly and charismatic Soo Ya and it annoys me a lot. Don't act like you're a friend of mine with that attitude." Woo Yung turns his back but then he stop, throwing a glare at me. "And Nine was right all along about you." 

"Woo Yung-" 

"Save it, Soo Ya." Woo Yung cut me off immediately. "I don't know how to feel whenever I think about having a crush on you before." 

Woo Yung's stinging pitch of that remark was crudely painful against my self-conceit. It feels like someone pour a cold water over me. I found myself loss at words that I didn't realized Woo Yung already walked away. I stand still on my spot with a heavy heart, trying to regain my composure.

Later that day, everyone in the field class is not talking to me. I tried to remain unbothered by the sudden treatment but deep inside, I feel awful. I wanted to look tough right in front of them, for them to be able to see that - I'm fine without all of you.

I have no choice but to get along with the silent treatment everyone gives me. When the field class ended, I immediately went home straight. Along the way, I heard the familiar voice of my grandmother.

I take a feel breath before turning watching as my grandmother hurriedly walk towards me. I could see from afar the bright smile plastered on her wrinkled face everytime she sees me. With her small, pale-complexion appearance, she's already out of breath the moment she reached me.

I didn't say anything to her. I simply watch her blankly then turn my back and started walking towards my place, my grandmother following me behind.

MY ID IS JOONG'S BESTFRIEND [JOONGNINE] [J9]Where stories live. Discover now