Chapter 1: First Encounter

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so like....this is my very first story on wattpad and I am really hoping that all my followers enjoy so...please read the first and second chapters before you decide that you don't like it....the chapters might be a little short at the beginning but I promise that they will get longer as the chapters go on....this is the first chappy...hope you enjoy :D...

Chapter 1: First Encounter

"Hurry up!" came the sound of my sisters voice as we were preparing to go to school. It was our first day at Hemington High school and she was very excited. I, on the other hand, was very reluctant to get out of bed to do anything. I wasn't looking forward to this day either. My sister, Jenny Charlemagne, was always the one making all the friends, getting all the good grades, and was always admired by everyone at every school we had ever been to, and I didn't think this one would be an exception. I was what adults call, lazy, but i preferred to call it, "an intense love for doing nothing at all." I treasured my bed more than anything in the world, and I mean anything, and school just wasn't my thing. I could never get higher than 60% in any subject area. The teachers always said that I had potential and I could do much better, but who were they to decide how I lived my life? As for making new friends, that was a total "no no" on my part. People were kind of creepy once you really got to know them, and I didn't want to get close to anyone, knowing that my parents would probably move to a new state the second I started to trust the person.

"My hair isn't going to comb itself you know!" she yelled, as I entered her room. She had long, straight brunette hair and beautiful hazel eyes that could drive any boy crazy. She was some-what short but her figure was just like an hourglass. Her skin was always well tanned and not a pimple or blemish could be seen on her face or other body part. She had the skin of a goddess.

I was the complete opposite of my sister. I was also brunette, but my eyes were just plain brown and barely even noticeable. Freckles were building cities on my upper cheeks. I had never really paid any attention to my figure since fourth grade, when i looked in the mirror and saw that i was as straight as a popsicle stick! It was not a pretty site. My only attractive feature, was my pink lips. Other girls had to wear lip balm, lip gloss and all that shit just to get theirs to look that colour but mine were natural. It didn't really matter to me though, because I wasn't one of those girls who walked around, flaunting their every feature to everyone they saw.

I picked up the curling iron off her dresser quickly before she could think of any violent thing to do to me like she usually did. She may have been pretty on the outside, but her "bad girl" attitude was the ugliest thing on the face of this earth!

I still loved her though. She was the only person i could really call a friend, because our parents were constantly moving from state to state looking for job opportunities. They looked for jobs around the state, tried them for a while, and if they didn't like it, they would move to a new state. It's quite an amazing life that I live.

I had really hoped to finally settle down in the previous state, but they didn't like their boss, and seeing that this was the last available job in the state of Millenton, we moved, AGAIN!

In spite of her bad girl attitude, she was really a nice person and a trustworthy friend. She was well-mannered, like every other human, and she was very good at keeping secrets. She was really calm and relaxed when she wasn't around her friends, or freaking out about a lost earring or a ruined manicure or something of that sort.

"Thanks" she said, in a calmer voice than earlier, after i had finished curling her hair. She got up and we headed down the stairs towards the front door, as we were already late. I grabbed my keys off the table and we dashed towards the front door and then to the direction of the car packed next to our neighbour's house. Since she didn't have her license or permit, I was the one driving.

Two cups of coffee and a bagel later, we were at the school and ready for our first day. She got out of the car and went to explore the school, while I went to the back of the school to look for parking. I wasn't nervous though, considering the fact that I had been 'the new girl" for almost all my life. This wasn't my first time and I definitely did not think that it would be my last.

As I parked my car in the only available spot and was about to get out, a tall, well-toned, blue-eyed, pink-lipped blond hottie came out of the vehicle next to mine. His tight T-shirt and loose jacket exposed all his fine abs and chest. I couldn't help but stare, and almost drool, over his gorgeousness. Damn this guy was hot! The sun had nothing on him. I was ripped from my thoughts by the sound of his manly voice

"Like what you see?" he asked.

"Uh-uhm.....uh," was all i could mutter at the time. His question totally caught me off guard. I turned as my felt my cheeks flush with red. This was not something that happened to me very often, so you could imagine my embarrassment.

"You're not the first," he said simply, with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah well it's not my fault you're so hot," I mumbled under my breath. I was hoping that he didn't hear what I said. My hands flew to cover my mouth before I realized it.

As if he was reading my mind, he said, "I heard that! I'm Raef, Raef Tyson. Are you new here?"

"Yes I am. I'm Benjamin Franklin," I lied. "I used to be famous you know?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ha ha. Very funny," he said drily. "What's your real name?" he asked innocently.

I sighed. "I'm Karey," I responded with a smile, and an outstretched hand.

He took my hand and kissed it and said, "Lovely name for a lovely maiden," as though he was one of those royal princes. I turned away shyly, as my cheeks were begin to turn bright red. He just smile at my response.

As if knowing that I wasn't going to mutter a word, he asked, "So I guess I'll see you around?"

I was a bit hesitant to answer but I finally responded, "Yeah, I guess I'll see you around" giving him a small smile. Little did I know that I would be seeing him sooner than I had expected. I locked my car and went off to the main office to get my schedule and locker number, while he headed in the direction of what looked like the cafeteria.


so what are your thoughts and comments about the first chapter?.....your feedback is very important to me....I hope it wasn't too boring....if it was then just keep on reading and I promise that the chapters will get much better....don't forget to leave your comments below :D...thanx

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