Chapter 4: The New Guy...Or Nah!

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"What the hell are you doing here?", i asked angrily, when i finally found my voice again.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me again cupcake", was his egoistical response. It was Blake. Blake Malik. Blake was my ex/stalker. He was way taller than me, and had dirty blonde hair. His sea blue eyes could've had any girl bowing before him, any girl but me. He wasn't as well-toned and muscular as Raef, but the muscle was still there and their arrogance and ego were pretty much the same. One look at him and it was love at first site.

But, as they say, looks can be deceiving. They guy was so over-protective. He didnt trust me what-so-ever. He always went through my phone and kept track of everywhere i went. At first, i didn't mind but then it got very annoying. To say that he was acting like my mother would be an understatement. I mean, i would never cheat on him and i wasn't even interested in any other guy.

Although he was over-protective and he didn't trust me, i still stayed with him because i loved him and wasn't such a bad guy under all the arrogance and ego.

But then, it happened. I went to his house one afternoon after school to spend some time with him, since my mom said that i could spend the aternoon with him. I wanted it to be a surprise so i didn't call him to inform him first. When i got to the house and opened the door, i saw him kissing a redhead on his couch in the living room. i was more than shocked to see him kissing another girl. When i started to cry that seemed to get their attention. he stood up instantlly when he realized that it was me at the door. He looked at bit startled but there was no apologetic look on his face

"Who is this?" the readhead asked. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I just stood there crying.

"She's nobody", came Blake's emotionless reply.

"Nobody? Blake how could you? After all i tolerated from you just to be with you, you stand here and call me nobody? You son of a bitch!" I didn't know where that came from but it sure made me feel better.

Before i knew it, the slut was on her feet and charging towards me. Her left hand went straight for my face. The anger i felt couldn't be described with words. 'Oh no she didn't!' was all i could think of. Before i realized what i was doing, i had already grabbed her red hair and started pounding her head on the wall.

That day, my dignity was shattered, but i left that house with something even better; a piece of the bitch's hair. yes, i did. I wasn't going to let the bitch get away with laying her hands on me. So i ripped out a piece of the bitch's hair. There was no way she was ever laying a finger on me again.

Blake never tried to make up and when i saw him, he would just smirk at me as if he had just won a bet between the two of us. After that incident, i never spoke to him until now.

Remembering that i was still in the cafeteria standing in front of the jerk himself, i stormed out with another word to anyone. I could hear Ashley calling me and her footsteps as she tried to catch up with me, but i didn't care. I just wanted to get as far away as possible. I didn't care if i missed classes. I didn't care if i got detention the next the next day. i just neede to get away form that monster. he hurt me so badly and he has the guts to show up at my new school?

I ran to the back of the school to try to find my car. As soon as i spotted the little silver car and was about to run to it,a hand gripped my waist from behind and onother one covered my mouth. Itried to free myself but my efforts were in vein. All of a sudden, i couldn't breathe properly. My nose wasn't covered but my wind pipe was starting to get smaller until i finally went unconscious.


When i woke up, i couldn't see properly so i had to take a few minutes to let my eyes adjust to my surroundings. To my horror, i was inside what looked like an abandoned building. It took me a few seconds to realize that i had been gagged and my hands had been tied behind my back.It didn't take a genius to notice that i must have been kidnapped. How had i gotten here? I couldn't remember a thing that had happened early except my encounter with Blake.

I heard a clashing sound as soon as i was about to move to see if i could untie my hands. I snapped my head to the place where i assumed the sound was coming from. It was coming from another room in the building. There were also other people there. They started arguing about something, but i couldn't make out a word they were saying. Who were they and why were they here? Why would they want to kidnap me of all people.

My thoughts were interuppted by a huge scary guy heading towards me. I quickly shuffled to the other side of the wall but he started walking faster.My heart started racing when i saw what was in his hand. A gun. When he finally reached me, he pointed the gun to my hea.

"Don't make another move or you're dead!" was his deep husky voice.

OH God! what was i going to do?


so wat do u think of chapter 4...i know its a bit short it was worth the wait.....chapter five will be uploaded very soon....and don't worry about Karey...she will be fine......hope ur'll enjoyed it....bye for now.....shir_berry :* :* :3 :3

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