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theres only gonna be two parts guys! this is a short story!


"Your horrible! JUST GO KILL YOURSELF!! Its not like anyone would care!" The head cheerleader Nicole told you. She was dating the love of your life. You loved him since freshman year,he bullied you. You didnt care,you hoped he'd change.

You nodded and left. This was it. This was the last day. The last day that you'd be alive. You weren't like girls in school,thats why nobody looked at you. You had long brown hair that falls down your back. You had bright green/brown eyes that nobody had,and you hated them. 'Why couldn't I be like the other girls?' you thought.

You came home. Nobody was home. You searched all of the rooms slowly. You grabbed a notebook and a pen. You went to your parents room. You went to your mom's side first,since she was always your bestfriend.

You started writing.

'dear mom,i know this might be espically hard on you since,you never knew about it. i was getting bullied. Because i was different than the others. They hated me. Remember the boy i said was cute? Brandon? Well,his girlfriend told me nobody would care if i killed myself. This is true,maybe only my family,but everyone else wouldn't. They just say 'now shes gone'. Smile and move on. But i want you to remember,ill always love you,dead or alive. This is my last goodbye. I love you. There will be more letters for some other people,i need you to deliever them. Goodybye mom,iloveyou!'

You started crying. You placed the note in an envople and wrote 'Mom',on the front. You moved to your dad's side. You took out your notebook and started writing.

'dear dad,remember when i first started my junior year? You said you'd have to chase boys out of the house? Haha,that never happened and frankly i was dissapointed. Not because all of the boys were ugly,but because i wasn't pretty enough for them. They all wanted blonde hair,blue eyes and short skirts. Nobody like me. Nobody wants a ugly eyed,brunnete girl. Now before you go and scream at anybody,just breathe in and out. This is what i chose. Nobody chose my death for me. Now i love you and ill miss you. Ill see you in a few years,bud! Goodbye dad, i love you.!'

You put that in an envople and wrote 'Bud' on the cover. You searched their room for about ten minutes,got out and went your little sisters room. Your little sister was your other bestfriend. She was twelve and only starting to get into boys. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes,you already knew she wouldn't get picked on. If only she didnt chose short skirts you'd be fine with her.

You cried the most on this person. Your little sister,you'd never again see her face. You started writing with a pink pen,because this was her favorite color.

'Dear Amanda,this is your sister speaking. Rememeber last week when you told me you liked brandon's little brother? Yeah,you wanted me to make you pretty for school? When you get into highschool,dont be like other girls. I know you don't understand now but please dont. I love you so much,and dont ever forget little munchkin. Goodbye,i love you!'

'dear Brandon,now i know that you hated me because i was ugly. But this is something that i wanted to tell you,im going to kill myself after i write this letter. Why? Because your girlfriend told me that nobody would ever like me and nobody would care if i died. Now i know your in love with her and you'd probably rip this piece of paper up,but i just needed to tell you something. I'm in love with you. Ive been in love since freshman year,thats when i started curling and straightening my hair to make you notice me better. But than at sophomore,you started picking on me. I thought you were joking,than after junior year,everyone started pciking on me. They called me ugly wanna know why i never said anything back? Because i knew it was true, it was true,i was absloutly horrifying. Everyone wants the blue eyed girl with long blonde hair. Not the green/brown eyes girl with long brown hair. But this is the final goodbye. Bye brandon and i love you with all of my heart."

You put it into a pink envlope and wrote his address on it. You went to the bathroom and got the bleach,you first drank a cup of it. It burned your throat and it burned. You took a whole bottle of pills. Than you got the rope. You tied it to the fan on the wall and put your neck around it. You couldnt breathe but it was okay for you. You knew that you were going to die either way.

The darkness was falling in you. Your dead.


Your mom came home,she first went into her room and she saw envolpes. She took out hers and read it. By the end of it she cried her eyes out. She called your dad to come upstairs and he did. He read his letter and they just cried for hours.

Your little sister? She just came home,she wondered why mommy and daddy were both crying. Your sister went into her room,she saw the letter,when she read it she went to mom and dad. She cried with them.

Your mom and dad made funeral arrangements. You watched from heaven,you wondered why. Nobody would come! Your parents cried themselves to sleep everynight.


Its the day of your funeral. Everyone in your school came. Brandon broke up with Nicole. He loved you too,you didn't even know. Nicole came,she was devastated that you killed yourself. She never thought you were ugly. The people who bullied you came,they were also bummed out. Not because they didnt have anyone to bully,its because they bullied you.

The boy who sits in back of you in math came,he felt like it was his fault,he always put gum in your hair. The girl who told you to get out of her table came,she felt like it was her fault she never let you sit there. All the teachers came,they felt bad for all the times they bullied you.

The service began. The priest went up to the stand. He started talking.

"now we are all here on behalf of Michleana Angie Rodson. She killed herself a few nights ago,all because of bullying."

He went on for an hour. He asked if anybody would like to come up and talk. Your little sister raised her hand,she tried being strong and she didnt cry for the whole cermony. She wore one of your black dresses and she walked up there. She adjusted the microphone and started talking.

"hello everyone. Now im micky's little sister,Amanda. My sister was beautiful and amazing. I am just amazed why she killed herself. She could go far in life. She ended her life because one person told her too. I loved my sister and i want to be just like her when i get older. Goodbye"

Your little sister waved and got off the stage. She went to your mom and cried. This is the first time she ever cried. Everyone took a few moments than Brandon went up to the stage. You in heaven were mesmerized. You looked at him and thought 'im free from everyone now'. Brandon started talking.

"Now the people from our school know me. Im Brandon,im on the football team. I really was in love with Micky,but she never knew it. I always smiled at her in freshman year,than my crew decided that i had to pick on her. So throught the rest of highschool i picked on her. I'm ashamed that i never stopped. I began to become so used to it. I never knew it would go this far. I love her i really do."

His eyes were red from crying and than a few more tears went down his face. Everyone from your school went up there and talked. It was the biggest funeral in the whole town. You from heaven didnt understand why they were ashamend now. That night in heaven,you fell asleep easily.

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