Im gonna draw my future like picasso

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Stray kids have been relatively famous, their tour was a huge success. Theyve won a lot of awards and their excellence kept on growing.

The two completely forgot the girls.
Chan had said to be in a secret relationship with someone in the same company. But no confirmation was given. It broke inha into pieces, making her work harder putting her to where she is now.

Inha and sowon thinks that everything is still the same before they met the two boys. Only now theyre lonely hard working girls, instead of lonely students.


Jung Sowon

Its been 2 years now. Inha and i already graduated and immediately got a job. I was absorbed by the company i interned for. Im currently staying in Malaysia, to finish some business stuff but ill be going home to Korea very soon. Maybe 2 months from now? If my boss lets me.

Inha got in a well known company, she designs houses and buildings for rich people these days, She's really talented in what she does. Were both busy because of work and i miss her so so much.

Has it been 2 yrs only or 3 yrs? Well anyways I've been single since then. Ive been to busy to find love, when all i do is meet clients And sit in front of my computer. Inha well, she still has her fair line of suitors but she ignores them.

I still wonder about him every now and then. Whenever i have free time i find myself thinking about him, i stopped myself from watching or listening to them. I just want to move on and i need to accept the fact that were not meant for each other. I have to since seeing him will just make me fall In love all over again...


My friend Aini has been bugging me to go on blind dates. I met her when i became an intern, she lives here in malaysia. She knows how to speak english and korean,since she wanted to become an idol but decided not to since its too tiring.She has this list of men she wants me to go out with, Most of them are her friends and our colleagues.

"Cant you just do it? I already told him about you." Aini pleaded.

"No, its too awkward. Why do you keep setting me up?"

"Because youre single?"

"Why dont you go out with them?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because im with someone already."

"You two dont even have a label." I argued.

"Wait, Which one are we talking about?" She laughed.

"Hazer?" She laughed. "Guess not."

"Ive been texting this guy i met from a friend. I dont know his name, he wont tell me."

"Ask your friend."

"He wont tell me."

"Do you know what he looks like?"

"Nope, i heard his voice though."


"He sounds cute, i do like talking to him but im not into korean guys."

"His korean?" I got shocked. "Dang son! Youre so universal."

"Funny. Remember i had a friend who's korean?" I remembered and nodded. "Well he told me he thinks his friend is bored and lonely so he gave me his number."

"Its too bad you dont know his name, what if he was one of my classmates?"

"Nah, the world is small but not that small" aini shrugged.

"Well he might be good looking or famous? Dont you get curious?" I asked.

"Nah, im not serious with him. I just talk to him."

"You mean flirt with?" I snickered.

"At first yes. But im still not over rick. So i talk about rick most of the time, or tell him what happened to my day or talk about you."

"Me?!" She nodded.

"Yeah i ran out of topics so i talk to him about you. I didnt tell him your name though." I heave a sigh of relief it creeped me out for a moment. "I told him your name is son, he seems to like you. He even thinks you should date someone,He suggets our friend is perfect for you."

"He sounds nice and extremely bored to be meddling with other people's business."

"Oh come on sowon, just one date."

"If i do this would you stop setting me up?" She nodded vigorously.

"Fine. Who, what, where, when, and how old is he and whats his job."

"His name is chris." My ears immediately shoot up.


"Christopher. Sounds sexy right? He is in person." She smiled.

"What's his last name?" I clenched my cup.

"Smith." I relaxed.

"Very american i see."

"Yeah he is, dont worry his a good man with manners."

Aini continued telling me stories about this chris guy. She says its a double date, no wonder shes bugging me to say yes. Well i just hope it turns out well and who knows maybe he's the right one for me?


Song Inha

I feel so bored when i have free time since sowon isnt with me. I go to pet shops when i have free time or watch a movie on my own. I even travel alone since being an interior designer sometimes gives me a lot of free time.

I go to coffee shops every now and then with one thing on my mind. That is to bump into him someday. And because of that i tried a lot of coffee shops here in korea. I did try to date once he was so kind and sweet that he reminded me of chan when im with him, it felt nice but i just longed for chan more when im with him and that wasn't right. I do want to move on but a part of me still hopes that we'd be together again. If the rumors arent true.

Sowon doesnt date anyone but i know she wants too, she's just waiting for me to do it too. I just wished i moved on like her. I dont tell sowon that i still watch some of their songs And shows. Its stupid i know but its the only way i see his face.

I guess ill just have to make myself busy and hope ill move on eventually. But i dont that will help since i dont like my boss, she treats me different since i didn't date her son. She's so unfair, her son doesn't even like me i dont know why she kept on insiting before. She even asks me to do secretary stuff for her even she has one! I hate her but i cant leave since this job is paying me high.

Something Kinda Crazy: Lee Know ft. Bang Chan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now