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@tehila - Don't let his beauty fool you, he can't play the guitar 😂


@jacenorman - stop exposing me @tehila, it's not fairrrrr

@tehila - @jacenorman it was a slip of my finger

@jaaaceenorman.au - I don't care if he can play or not, he's perfect

@jaceswifey - sToP eXpOsInG mE

@normanator101 - I swear she's always looking for attention

@maddiesangels - dramatic ugly lil' bih

@tehisbeauty - their cute banter makes me wanna find a boy that'll love me *sigh*

@annieleblanc - apparently you did...

@sunlight.tehi - @annieleblanc wAt ?

@blackbeauty.tehi - I swear every time @annieleblanc comments on someone's page it's to start drama. Attention seeker

@curly.ttehii - @annieleblanc just mind your business

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