Spirt the alpha wolf

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Spirt blinked open her eyes as she stood up from her nest. Spirt was a white she wolf, with soft blue eyes and very light grey paws. It's a great day for hunting Spirt thought. She called her sister, clover. "Clover get up its time for hunting, its perfect out!" Clover lifted up her head moaning for a second then bounced up to her paws. "Who else is going with us" Asked clover. Spirt hesitated for a moment then said "I'm going to bring hutch." Clover nodded then followed spirt out of the den. 

        Spirt whispered as they approched the grazing elk. "Hutch get to the side" Hutch nodded slowly stepping to the side. Clover whispered "Whats the plan?" Spirt hesitated then said "When i say go, chase the elk." Clover nodded, "Simple enough." But before spirt could say go the elk started charging deeper into the canyon. Spirt growled "After them!" She lundged with full speed after the elk, hutch and clover to her side. Thats when the elk made a Turn. Spirts eyes widened when she realized what was happening."STAMPEDE!" Screamed Spirt as she turned around running the                 oppisite direction. The elk charged them, there where at least 200. "Clover, you get to the right Hutch and I will move to the left" Shouted spirt her lunges aching, her stomach twisting. Clover nodding slowly steering to the side. Spirt felt her sides ache, as she slowly approched the side Hutch following her. Thats when Hutch shouted "Look clover is getting trapped by them!" Spirt growled "We need to get her!" Spirt saw and up coming branch that was stuck between the sides of the gorge. "Hutch get to the top and i will save my sister!" Hutch nodded leaping onto a rock once, halfway slipping then made his way up. Spirt narrowed her eyes, focusing them onto the branch. Thats when spirt leaped into the air with full might locking her jaw onto the branch, and before she could do anything more she flung over the branch landing onto an elk's back. "Way to go Spirt!" She could hear Hutch's voice from the top of the gorge. The elk snorted but continued to run. Spirt leaped from back to back of the elk, each one of the elk snorting. Finally she reached to where Clover was. With one final leap Spirt landed on the elk closest to her, and with one final leap she tackled clover over to the side. Clover yelped at first, her sides heaving. Spirt used her body as a sheild, protecting her sister. A while later the elk left, Spirt rose to paws shaking her pelt that was now dusty brown from the dust. "You ok sis?" Asked Spirt, nervous her sister was injured. Clover nodded, rising to her paws. "I was fine, you didn't have to save me." Spirt wrinkled her muzzle, looking offended. "Well thanks to me your alive!" Hutch leaped down from the rocks, flicking his ear. "Now ladies, no need to get our fur in a bunch, It's time we head back to the pack." Spirt nodded, padding away, clover and hutch soon following her.

        Spirt padded into camp first, Hutch and clover following. All of the wolves looked at them, hoping for an elk but when they saw nothing their ears fell. A dark and white grey wolf with dark green eyes came padding up to them. "How did the hunting go?" Asked cloud. Spirt's ears fell, "We got nothing dad...."  Cloud sighed "It's alright." Hutch nudged Spirt his tail twitching "We will get something, i promise, in the mean time we can have... Uh..." Hutch thought for a minute then said "Bones, yes we can have delicous bones!" Spirt sighed and left Hutch standing there. Clover looked at hutch then said quietly "I need to go talk to her."

        The next moring Hutch padded into Spirt's den holding a rose in his mouth. Spirt lifted her head blinking her eyes still trying to wake up. "What are you doing here Hutch, and why do you have a rose in your mouth?" Hutch smiled dropping the rose by spirt's nest. "Well, i was wondering if you would howl with me tonight when there is the full moon." Spirt blushed at first, then she cleared her throat "I would love to Hutch!"

**MIGHT FINISH**        

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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