Chapter 1

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This is the first chapter of this story. I really hope you enjoy it

3 Person POV

Lilianna was walking home from UA High School seeing as she is a first year and has the highest grades in all of class 1-A. She was walking home with her two best friends Rue and Atsume as they came to the fork in the road where they all went there separate ways home. As Lilianna was walking home when she heard a fight going on in a nearby ally and went to check it out.

As she got into the ally she saw these gang of heroes beating up a villain who was unarmed so she walked over to them. The thing she should have done was stop the fight and not give the villain the time of day. Was she gonna do that? No she wasn't. 

As she got to where the fight was she stood in front of the villain protecting him as she caught the fist that was going after the villain. The hero's looked at her in shock "Your Lilianna Anders the daughter of the top three heros" one of the heroes said shocked. Lilianna nodded "Yes I am now why are you beating up this villain" she asked.

The villain was shocked that a hero would do that but didn't show it. One of the other heros stepped up "Do we need a reason to beat up a villain" he said cockly. Lilianna sighed and turned around and looked at the villain and felt like she recognized him some how but smiled "I am sorry on behalf of them I am giving you a chance to go" Lilianna said. The villain looked at her "I honestly don't care but I will be taking your offer and leaving" he said then left.

Let's just say the hero's weren't happy Lilianna turned around and looked at them and the minute she did one of the hero's punched her in the stomach. She coughed as the others smirked "Give me your names" she said to which the they agreed then said there names and left. Lilianna walked home holding her stomach as she got home Izuku was there and rushed over to her "What happened" he asked worried as he saw her hold her stomach and sat on the couch.

Lilianna honestly hoped that her parents weren't home but of course they had to be "It's nothing dad don't worry" she fake smiled. Izuku didn't believe it for a second he was going to say something but then Bakugou and Todoroki came downstairs. Lilianna really regretted not coming home sooner but she wasn't going to let an innocent villain get hurt well as innocent as a villain can be.

The other two heroes walked towards Lilianna and Izuku and sat on the couch with them "What happened" Todoroki asked. She stayed quiet not wanting her parents to find out about how she stood up for a villain. Bakugou was getting annoyed "Tell us what's wrong now" he said then Lilianna sighed and lifted up her shirt and a bruise was already forming.

There was a mix of emotions from the three parents there was worry, confusion, anger, sadness and many more. Lilianna put her shirt back down and slightly looked down not wanting to look into her parents eyes. Everyone was quiet and in the quietness Lilianna slowly slipped through her dad's and went up to her room and locked the door and hid there for the entire night. 

~a couple days later~

Lilianna was in class when she got called down to the office she got up from her seat and walked towards the office wondering why she got called there. As she got there she knocked on the door "Principal Nezu it's Lilianna I got called down" she said through the closed door. Nezu heard her "Come in" he called as Lilianna walked into the room she saw her parents and All Might there she got nervous as she sat down in front of them. 

It was quiet a little to quiet for Lilianna's liking "So why was I called here" Lilianna asked breaking the silence. Nezu was the first to break the silence after her "We are suspending you from school" he said and Lilianna's eyes went wide "What why" she asked. Todoroki sighed "You could have said it in a nicer way" he said then looked at Lilianna "Because you helped out a villain" he said to which Lilianna had no idea how he knew.

Lilianna was in complete shock and stood up "But you guys taught me to do what I believe in" she said looking at her parents in disbelief . Bakugou walked up to her "Yes we did but we didn't teach you to help a villain out" he said "Be happy young Anders at least we aren't expelling you" All Might said. She got frustrated and stormed out of the office and off of school grounds as she took a deep breath and walked around. 

She sighed and walked into a nearby ally and leaned against the wall and sat down then looked up at the sky and started to think. What she didn't know was from a distance someone was watching her from a nearby rooftop. The person jumped down from the rooftop and walked over to Lilianna "Hey" the person said.

Lilianna heard the voice and turned to the person where the voice came from and saw a girl about her age and she smiled "Heyo" she said. The girl sat next to her "So what are you doing out here" she asked Lilianna smiled "I could ask you the same thing" Lily said. The girl piped up and said "I live around here what about you" the girl said "Clearing my head" Lilianna said.

The girl looked at Lily and was about to say something then got a phone call and answered it and left without saying anything. Lilianna was confused as it got dark and she walked home slowly and went straight to her room. Not wanting to see her parents anytime soon

Hewo everyone sorry I haven't updated this book at all I really hope you enjoy it see you in the next chapter. Hope you have a great day/night. Bye!!!!

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