Chapter 3-- Euphoria♥ ♫

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You Date Me You Date Her

Chapter 3


I’m living the dream right now. My life is a dream. I am sleeping. Wait.


OUCH. Nope, not sleeping. But I am nearly falling into a dream-like state of euphoria. BAHAHAHAHAHA USING FANCY WORDS IS FUN. I’m just really happy. Wanna know why I’m happy?! BECAUSE I’M SITTING HERE IN ENGLISH CLASS NEXT TO GARRETT!!! :o Oh, oops. You don’t know why. MWAHAHAH. I’ll tell you though. Here it goes.

So after my amazing bffluwdihtfawppswutpogptitsoap (long LONG story) sends Garrett (<3) the text saying that I like him as more than a friend and all that crap, and he said it back (EEEEEEP!!!) we have a sleepover, like we always do when something exciting happens, and we wake up, get ready, and go to school. My day dragged on, until 5th hour!! I have that class with Garrett <3<3<3 !!!!

So I walk in the door, right? And I’m all like “Hey Garrett.” And he’s all like “Sup Lana?” And I was all like “The sky.” And he was all like “Clever.” And that was when I knew he was in love with me! Haha JUSTKIDDINGGG. I mean, we did have that conversation, but I don’t jump to conclusions(; Anywaysss. He goes “You should sit with me.”

AND I SAT NEXT TO HIM. Haha Valeria was on the other side of the room making kissy faces at me. I just winked ;) But we’re sitting there, watching Call Of The Wild (WORST FRIGGIN MOVIE EVER BTDUBBS) and he yawns, and puts his arm around me. I swooned. I literally freaking swooned. Like forreals brah. I swooned. And I went to whisper something in his ear, I forgot what it was (:P) AND THE FLIPPIN BELL RANG. Ughh. So, basically, that was the highlight of my day.


I am so happy for Lana!! She really likes Garrett, and they are toooo cute together!! I wonder if he’s gonna ask her to be his girlfriend!! :o THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!! IM PLANNING THEIR WEDDING NO QUESTION ABOUT IT! Lanas big fat wedding! perfect!


Hey guys! This isn’t Vietress, I’m her best friend Raina <3 We decided to co-write this story, and this is my chapter. We’ll be letting you know who writes which chapters. Also! This story is something that happened to us actually, but the names are changed. But we’d like to make it a bit more exciting, so if you have any ideas, just post them or pm them to us! My username is RainaJoyAwdish . KBYEE xx ♥ ♫

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