Chapter 2: A Group to the Past

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I'm debating whether or not to make ReyLink (Reyna and Link) a thing, and I just can't decide!!! Somebody, please help!!! Also, the reason why no one else is at the village is because most are at Hyrule Castle in order to talk to the king, traveling, or helping Impa. Also, the 'cat-shaped' eyes thing means that Hylian pupils are slits, like a cat's. The reason for that is so there is a much bigger difference between Hylians and humans.

Annabeth's POV

Link and Liari had gotten the demigods up really early. That had really been a shame, considering the dream Annabeth was having. She remembered it clearly: three red, blue, and green lights shaping a planet. When they flew away from it, three golden triangles were left behind. The triangles flew to the planet, dimming until they were gone. Then, the dream had shifted to a blond haired woman wearing a plain white dress. She had cerulean blue eyes, pointy ears, and a golden harp in her hands.On her head was a simple circlet with a few drop shaped jewels. The circlet was holding up a veil or shawl of some kind that was on the woman's head. Although she wore simple clothes, anybody could know she must be a goddess of some kind, wearing something that Hestia would probably prefer. Annabeth remembered being startled when turned towards her with a gentle gaze, speaking, but her words never reached Annabeth. It only left her with confusion of who it was.

I'll ask Liari.

The Hylian in question was talking with Piper about something. Annabeth had thought she was dangerous at first because of her red eyes. She had later asked her about it, and she said it was a thing that she "Sheikah" possessed. She had explained more about it, Annabeth writing everything down on a notepad. Now was the time to ask about the dream.

"Liari, can I speak to you for a moment?" she asked.

"Sure, what is it?" she asked as she followed Annabeth to a quiet corner.

"Well, I had a dream last night, and I was hoping that you could explain." She then proceeded to tell every detail while Liari listened. When she finished, Liari put a thoughtful hand on her chin.

"I think I know what it is that you dreamed about, but I probably should leave that explanation to the king."

"King?" Annabeth asked.

"Uh-huh. Hyrule has a royal family. I hope you understand why I can't. It's just, well, Link and I talked over it and thought it would be best if they explained it to you. After all, it isn't our decision," she said.

Annabeth looked at her for a moment, hoping what she was thinking wasn't true. "Is there a chance that they might . . . execute us?" she asked worriedly. Being in a new world and being chased by the people who know it well isn't a good mix.

Liari laughed a little at her question. "No, the king is a relatively nice guy. Besides, you'd have to do something beyond evil in order to get executed. The last execution was-if I'm right- thousands of years ago."

"Oh," Annabeth was a little disappointed, and relieved, but threw that out the window. "Thanks anyway."

"No problem!" Liari walked off to go and help get the demigods' supplies prepared.

The boys walked through the front door of the home, all of them but Link actually looking tired. Link had woken up without any type of bleariness in his eyes, only determination to do his task. She noticed almost immediately that both Hylians were morning people, not trying to cling to their bed for closure instead of getting the day ready (cough Percy cough). He had left around twenty minutes ago to go wake them up. The boys had slept in an inn right across the path, while the girls had slept in the house. Jason was literally carrying a woozy-looking Nico. Leo's curly hair was flat on one side and he looked more like death than when Nico demanded McDonalds. Percy had a cow lick and was leaning on a stumbling Frank.

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