Reality folded out of control as the cockpit went silent. Jerry breathed heavily and eventually got up and began cheering. "Ten years and I've finally did it." Jerry yelled, throwing his hands up into the air as Tes examined the main map, confused he stated "I thought i was in IO, but that's ten stars away, where are we now?" Jerry looked at the map and shrugged. "Knowing the engines power, we're somewhere around the Canopus system." Jerry said leaning back. "Let the adventures begin." He continued tapping the small badge on his shirt. After a couple beeps and one ear splitting screech a feminine voice ammited from the metal badge. "Furridan outpost A1132, Vega system, please state your 4 digit pin or the reason for your arrival." After a long pause Jerry spoke "this is J6166, I'm here to complete my ten year banishment after a102." There was a pause as the voice from the badge responded. "And?" Jerry, enraged, yelled into the metal "I made a goddamn ship and I need a pickup!!" Jerry sat down tired as a beep sounded from his badge, he took it off and put it on the center console and laid back.
After a short while a large thump emitted from the back of the ship as the power cut off. Jerry awoke as the ship slowed down abruptly, forcing the ship back into reality. Tes ran to the cockpit his face as pale as a ghost. "Someone's here." He muttered as another thump emitted, now from the starboard side. "Don't worry just pick up your stuff, it's our ride." Jerry responded calmly sitting up and picking up a bag of obscure object. As he trusted the bag over his shoulders Tes grabbed his own bag and walked to the stern of the ship. As the main door to the infinite vacuum of space opened up Jerry walked up and stared into the gasses escaping. 2 creatures wearing white armor walked in, staring at Jerry they pointed towards a metal gangway. Jerry walked forward and beckoned Tes to follow. As he followed Jerry the gangway shut behind them, forcing the two to walk into the unknown ship.
As they entered the gangway closed and folded back into this unknown ship. The ship had a white, fancy, interior. Two more guards showed them down a hallway and into two bedroom like rooms. Each room had a bed and a large circular dish in the center. Tes tapped the dish as a large 3D map appeared, in the center there was a circular ship and a smaller ship drifting away from it. Tes watched in awe as the hologram showed the smaller ship being enveloped in flames after one small blast from the larger ship. The ground shook beneath Tes, and with a large roar the map moved as if it were centered around the large ship. Tes tapped the doorway as it opened up, he ran down the hallway and into a large foyer. The large room was full of tall furry creatures, they all walked around talking or reading. Tes walked backwards and walked into Jerry, both grunted as Tes turned around to see his pointed head. "Look where you're going next time." Jerry said before walking into the foyer. The foyer was built as a semicircle with a glass wall facing space, there was a second floor above them that overlooked the room.
Tes walked back into his room and tapped the holographic projector again on a different section of the base. A large keyboard appeared on the screen, tes tapped awa an eventually found what he was looking for, the known map of stars. Tes scanned for IO and eventually found it, he typed in where am i but all that showed was an open space. Tes typed in what star am I in and a large word appeared on his screen, Rigel. He sat on his bed in confusion, IO was at least 15 stars away from Rigel. Stars were a way of telling where you were, like the star Terra or more prominently known as the Milky Way. IO is full of mining corporations as Sirius is full of armies and a corrupted government. Tes sat on his bed confused and waited for something to happen, anything.
A Universe With No End book 1
Science FictionAfter the modern decade, a miner, Tes, finds himself among a galactic war zone for a universal power. He must choose sides if he wants to survive.