Chapter 14: If We Only Live Once

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(The song Bill sings in this chapter is in the video above)

Ford took out the piece of rock still in his coat pocket and turned it over in his hands with a smile. He placed it on his desk and left the Lab, hoping to get breakfast started for the day.


Bills fingers grasped for the eye patch on the bedside table and he smiled at the golden pine tree. There was note attached to the elastic, written in Stanford's curly handwriting.

Welcome to the Pines family, you dork,

Mabel made you this.

~ Stanford

Bill chuckled lightly and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom to wash up. After his shower he defogged the mirror with his towel, looking at the hole in his head with a frown "Well, I always was more used to one eye than two" he mumbled to himself.

He picked up the eye patch off the sinks edge and carefully fitted it over the empty socket, scars could still be seen but at least the worst of it was covered. He towel dried his hair and got dressed in his clothes.


Mabel squealed excitedly as he entered the kitchen, standing up to hug him. Bill hugged her back "Thank you Mabel" he said quietly. Dipper noticed he seemed different, tired perhaps?

"You like it then?" Mabel asked.

"It's perfect" he said, sitting down.

Ford passed him some pancakes fresh from the pan and kissed his forehead, "Now that you're all fed I'm going for a walk, I'll be back soon." 

Bill looked up from his plate, "Please be careful" he insisted.

Ford gave him a nod "Of course."

Mabel passed him the maple syrup and Bill tipped half of the contents over his breakfast. Dipper frowned as Bill picked at his food, "Are you okay, Bill?" he asked.

Bill looked up and sighed "I guess, I don't know,"

Dipper passed him some whipped cream, "You did just go through a traumatic experience, it's okay to not be okay" he answered.

Right, Stanford had almost died in front of him, his eye had been scooped out of his head,

All that blood.

Bill shivered, an upset look on his face. Mabel placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "It's okay Bill, we're here for you." 

Bill felt tears run down his face and Mabel pulled him into a hug as he started to cry.


Ford sat down by a nice looking tree, eyes watching the fluffy white clouds above the clearing, he hadn't had a panic attack in weeks and it was starting to show. He smiled at the sun as it warmed his face nicely, it was cooler in these parts of the woods. The man looked down as he heard a quack noise and a stomach faced duck poked its head out from the nearby bushes, eyeing him up.

He recognized it as the one he had drawn in the Journal, he would be quite old by now, at least in duck years, "Hello, do you remember me?" he asked, fishing some crackers out of his pocket. The duck did seem to remember him, but only once he had eaten the crackers Ford had put down. The duck made a happy noise and waddled over, settling down on his lap and making small duck noises as it closed its eyes contentedly. Ford chuckled and stroked the feathers gently, "Easily tamed aren't you" he whispered.

An hour later he decided he best be getting home, he picked up the sleepy duck and put him down, standing up and stretching his back. The duck followed him as he made his way down the path and he sighed, "Go on, off you go now" he said, pointing to the trees. 

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