A/n (sadly)

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I've been getting many comments on who scp-049 is actually French. Yes I know that the foundation found him in France. Yes, I know he likes to speak French. But the article, (last time I checked) Never said that he was BORN in France. Plus this is a headcanon book not facts and Canon about the Scps!

Here's the definition of headcanon just in case you didn't know:
head-canon is a fan's personal, idiosyncratic interpretation of canon, such as habits of a character, the backstory of a character, or the nature of relationships between characters. ... If other fans share this interpretation, it may become fanon.

So now quit bitchin about that one headcanon about Scp-049, it's my Headcanon, you don't have to headcanon it if you don't want to. Just quit trying to make me feel like my Headcanon is a piece of shit!

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