there they were . I ran up and pulled them all into a massive hug. " I'm so happy right now ." "Same ." Chase said. "Me too bebe." Avani said . "Same gorgeous ." Jaden said. I started to blush . I let them out of the hug and just smiled I wanted to take a picture with everyone so I could post it on instagram . I asked Trent if he could take the picture, he said yes ! Instagram:
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Liked By -jadenhossler,avanii,Payton,luvanthony, notnoen and 992,478 more summerreeves : love these people so much 😊❤️
Comments jadenhossler: love you too x 🥰 summerreeves liked comment
lights out tour: we love you too 💕 summerreeves liked comment
Load More Comments.. We then got onto the bus I was sitting next to Avani but Jaden and Anthony were behind us. Trent said that we weren't stopping at a hotel. Everyone asked why , he said that's just how it is and it'll be easier than leaving at 4:00 in the morning. Everyone agreed. I made a tik tok with Avani and Jaden and Anthony made a few too . We were all getting really hungry some even hangry and we asked Trent if we could stop somewhere. We all decided to stop at Chick-Fil-A. We parked and everyone went inside and ordered what they wanted to eat. Time skip to when everyone was ready to go back on the bus. (It's currently 9:00pm)
We all got back on the bus. Avani ditched me so she could go sit with Payton . Im fine with it because I ship them but I was a bit cold . We were sharing a blanket but when Avani left she left with the blanket. Jadens POV I saw Summer shivering so I asked Anthony if I could go sit next to her. He said yes . I was soo happy. End of Jadens POV
Jaden got up and moved next to Summer. She was really cold and tired. "Hey Summer. Want to cuddle?" "Yes please." Summer said happily. They started to cuddle and Summer started to fall asleep . Jaden blushed a lot his face was fully red. He kissed her on the forehead and then fell asleep with her. Timeskip to the Morning Summers POV I woke up to my phone going off with notifications. I turned on my phone and saw this on Instagram .
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Liked By - lilhuddy, avanii, Payton, notnoen and 1,268,987 more luvanthony: they're so cute 🥺❤️ 👤: jadenhossler,summerreeves
notnoen: cuties🥰
Hater2: she doesn't deserve him🙄 Hater1: ikr 😤🙄
summerreeves: really?!
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I tried to get up but Jaden was just holding me too tight. I kissed him on the forehead he started smiling "Good Morning." I said . "Good Morning beautiful." I started to blush. "Check your insta . I need to go hurt Ant !" I said. He just laughed and said ok. Anthony was still asleep. He's a very heavy sleeper so I decided to prank him I got a wash off marker and drew things all over his face . I waited a little bit ... "ANTHONY!!" He sat up straight away . "Yea?!" "Are you serious?!" "Sorry! Please don't hurt me. You guys just looked really cute!" I start to blush , "Please don't do it again. I get enough hate as it is I don't need anymore!" I walked off and sat back next to Jaden. "Woah,woah,woah. What's wrong?" "It's just all of the hate." I started crying softly . He hugged me and put me on his lap. I cried into his chest until I fell asleep still on him...