.. "My mum got into a car accident and died ." Tears we're pouring down his face. I just hugged him, letting his tears fall onto my shirt. "I don't have anyone.She was my only family, I don't know anyone else." He said. "You are my family now , okay? I love you so much ." "I love you too." Timeskip to when they're back at the hotel
We all had showers and got ready for bed. Jaden seemed really upset so I asked him if he wanted to do face masks. He said yes! He seemed happier and I'm glad he was. We took a few pictures and posted them on our instagrams.
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Liked by : summerreeves,notnoen,lilhuddy,luvanthony and 2,548,123 more jadenhossler: this girl makes me happier every single day !! 🥰 👤: @summerreeves
Comments: summerreeves: I love you ! 💕 jadenhossler liked comment
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Liked by- jadenhossler,notnoen,avanii,luvanthony and 1,307,368 more summerreeves: I am so great full to have you in my life. Your my world 🌎 I love you so much bubba x ❤️🥰
Jadenhossler: OMG baby , I love you so much xx 💋 summerreeves liked comment.
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"Hey baby?" Jaden asked. "Yes." " I love you so much , can we go get ice cream ?" "Umm." "Please Summer." "Of course !" I put on one of Jadens hoodies then left . Timeskip to when they're at the ice cream shop Jadens POV I'm going to propose to Summer.. I'm so nervous. After we left everyone else left a few minutes after us trying to beat us there. They all know that I'm going to propose , so they're all really excited. End of POV
"Do you like your ice cream bubba?" Summer asked. "Yes, could you get me a napkin please?" "Of course ." I got up and went to go get Jaden a napkin. When I came back Jaden was on one knee with a ring in his hand. " Will you marry me?" ...
Authors Note: Sorry this was a really short chapter but I've had to do homework for school . Give me some feedback please ! 💜💜