Chapter 8

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Mary's POV

So, it's now time for the interview as we walk out of the house there are reporters and everyone ready to hear what Luke has to say and why we are involved in this interview.

So Luke starts off with "So as soon as my son and his soulmate a the age of 18 they will be overtaking the Foster's Designs but for the news you are really here for is I'm here today to apologies to everyone cause for the last 2 years since my soulmate died all I could think about was to get her back and that made me do the bad things that I did" he looked at both of us and that was our que to step in and share our identities.

So I was first "Bella wings out" I transformed and then you hear "Sam claws out" I turn to see my soulmate back in his hero form and I must say I really love his outfit and his personality is completely different in his hero form god I love him.

The crowd was shocked and that's when Harry starts to talk "so you all now know our identities as we have actually stopped the villain that's making all these victims and it's time for us to retire to live our lives till the next villain arises but my father would like to address you again now please hear him out before judging him".

So Luke walks back to the microphone and starts talking "first things first I was the Villain I thought if I got both of their Jewelleries I could make a wish to bring my soulmate back I wasn't thinking of the consequence's and in the end it has hurt all of you amazing people I do apologies from the bottom of my heart it was the day these two found out their identities that I had decided it was not worth losing my son and hurting his at the time best friend who turns out to be his partner and soulmate"

I looked out to the crowd and didn't see and mad faces that's when I heard "I would have done the same thing for my soulmate you apologies has been accepted and please accept our appalled to doing the right thing" then you hear "where is the piece of Jewellery right now how do we know you're not lying" that's when I pull the jewellery out of my pocket.

I then walked up next to Luke and said "from now on I will be holding on to it so it doesn't get into the wrong hands again" the person said "well at least we won't have to worry so thank you for saving the day once again Butterfly and Cat boy".

We waved and went back inside where all our friends were waiting to just hang out and talk as we transformed back and took our jewellery off and put it somewhere they couldn't find as we don't need ours going missing either so we had them wait outside our room.

We hid them and then called them back in and said "so what kind of questions do you have for us cause you must have a lot of questions" they look at us and say "we are just so happy to know that we have amazing friends that saved us on a daily bases"

We smiled at them and said "your welcome we didn't really know it was us until the last fight cause Harry here decided to be mad and I couldn't keep him from knowing"

Harry's POV

As she was talking, I was just watching her with love and hope that we can be together forever cause I love this girl with all my heart. I look over to the boys and they look at me and say, "you really love her don't you" I look back at her and say, "yea I really do and I've loved her for a very long time".

It's now 3:00pm we all sat there watching movies until they all went home not after saying "see you guys tomorrow" I look at Mary and hug her cause I know tomorrow is going to be a busy and sad day.

I don't think she understands how much I love her cause the next thing that comes out of her mouth really upsets me "do you love me" I look at her and say "babe I love you so much that tomorrow we are going to go and pick out a promise ring cause I know we aren't ready to get married but with this ring I promise to love you unconditionally everyday"

After I said that she looks at me and I see tears and so I then walk up to her grab her face and wipe the tears away and say "baby please don't cry I hate it when you cry" she looks at me and says "can we get you a promise ring as well cause I promise go love you unconditionally as well".

I look at her and say "yes we can baby we can go straight after the funeral that's if your feeling up to it" she just looks at me and smiles and says "yes please" we got called down for dinner and to sit with my father so we could talk about tomorrow and plan on how it was going to go and what car we a taking and all the other things you need to do in this kind of situation.

We go back to the room and get ready for tomorrow and for bed and we lay down and she says "Goodnight baby hope you have a good sleep" I look at her and say "goodnight Hun hope you have a even better sleep" as I finished saying that she was already asleep.

When we were woken up she yawned and got up not before giving me a kiss and went for a shower and I stayed and waited for her to come out so I can go for a shower. She comes out in her outfit and I get up and go and hug her as shes in tears and say "hey babe what's wrong".

She looks at me and says "I just didn't want this to happen so fast" I lok at her and say "I know babe but I'm here for you and you have all our friends as well so babe can you give me a small smile" she looks at me and gives me a smiles and says "thank you babe I love you".

I look at her and smiled and said "I love you too" I then went to have a shower myself. 

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