Half - 34

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I can't help but feel that everyone's suspicious. I don't remember much, but I know it wasn't me! I'm far past my suicidal ways, I've gotten better, or at least I'm no longer manic or a harm to others. "Could I look at your phone?" The other doctor asked and he reached out his hand, pointing to my phone which was taken from my hoodie pocket next to Tomee. "Wait why?" I started to get nervous again as I picked up my phone. "We just want to make sure nobody is tracking you or anything." He sighed but kept a big smile on his face.

I turned off my phone's location and showed him. "There, I turned it off?" I then held my device to my chest protectively. "Okay, we want to make sure you haven't looked at any disturbing content they may have messed with you." He tried again, offering to take my cell. "I haven't you control-freak!" I hissed at him and felt a warm hand on my shoulder, silently calming me. "Just make this easy on me." He stepped forward, I could feel the tension in the air shift. I knew what it meant to be restrained, I know what people look like before they're about to do something bad to me. I was traumatized before and I was getting flashbacks.

I opened my phone and quickly set a password, as I clicked the final registration a hand grabbed my arm and forced the phone out of it. It was too late for those poor saps anyhow, haha. "Unlock it, now." Tord sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as I giggled. The doctor face-palmed and I jerked my arm away from him as soon as possible. "Thomas please calm down." She sighed as I shivered a bit and smiled. God I felt so hyper, maybe I'm taking control again?

"We need to do some testing, if you'd like you can change so you feel more comfortable." She handed me my clothes and Tord stood up. "Alright!" I got out of the bed and they closed the curtain while I changed. When I was done I walked towards the door but the doctor put his arm in front of me. "Follow me." He huffed and took my hand, which oddly made me very uncomfortable... so I uh bit him. He gasped but didn't let go, and Tord took my other hand quickly since he knew I wanted to run away. We got into a different room, a simple white office with a couch and a desk.

It looked like a school counselors office actually. Tord sat me down and I crawled into his lap, honestly nobody was surprised. Edd and Matt waited outside and the doctor closed the door then locked it, which even Tord seemed put-off by. "Tom I'm going to have you tell me everything you can remember. If not, we'll have to take more drastic measures. This is extremely serious." He clicked his pen and waited for me to talk. I looked at my boyfriend with some confusion but then just looked back to the doctor and shrugged. "I remember being very cold, then passing out."

"Well we assumed that much." The doctor, who's tag said 'Wayne', sighed in a bored manner. "Oh shut it, I only submit to my dominant." I said proudly, which was extremely awkward for the doctor but Tord snickered, which made me even happier. "Here on this list of traumas it says you went to a detention school... you were aggressive so they restrained you and that caused childhood trauma. Is that correct?" Wayne read and inquired. I paused for a moment, my smile wearing off finally. "No." I said in a stern yet shaky voice, I could feel my heart pounding... deja vu?

I was giving myself a reputation of lying, but something in me wouldn't admit to anything he claimed of me. "Abuse from your father?" Wayne asked, still reading his papers. "No." My breathing hitched and I kept checking the clock. Why can't I tell the truth? Everything was getting darker, it was only afternoon though. "Sent to a military camp?" This one should be obviously, and I why would I even want to lie about not meeting Tord when he's right here? "No." I just stared at a potted plant on the floor, yet I couldn't focus my dark eyes on it.

Tord hugged me from behind and looked at the doctor with a concerned expression, something he didn't have too often. I had started shaking and couldn't even tell what was happening anymore. I felt like I could smile, frown, giggle, cry, never speak a word again, or scream. If I went manic I would be restrained, which would cause more anxiety because I'm traumatized of being restrained of course. A never ending circle, a never ending life of misery, a never ending problem that has no answer, a joke without a punchline, a poem without a rhyme, a song with no lyrics or a smile with no joy. I'm all those things, and all those things are useless without their other halves.


Tord is my other half.

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