What is the conflict? I think I know, I think I’ve got it.
Sweetie you are the conflict, and I am in the conflict and we are the conflict together, in this shitty mantra I call a novel.
A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of "creating transformation" (cf. spiritual transformation).
We do not create such transformations, me and you. All that we transform is the span of cigarettes and the still water of the lakes between us. I am a hurricane and you are a hurricane and we are hurricanes together and hurricanes are impulsive. We are destructive. Not to others, but to ourselves. I live in perpetual expectancy, awaiting your every move. I watch and I listen, but you do not know that I listen. I stare into a screen and you think I’m not listening but I am listening. You are an unwed sailor and I am an anchor; you look to me and I am far more attached to you then I wish to be. We unlock all these old doors leading only to suffocation and exaggeration. And then we are slipping. I am slipping and you are slipping and we are slipping together. You are a phosphene in the forest green of my mornings. But oh god, that look in your eye. That curve in you spine. Where do such beauties come from and why must they haunt me when I lie in bed unable to sleep due to thoughts of you?